Breaking night feed habit..


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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I dont wanna cause offence to people whos bubs dont sleep through seeing as Isla is only 11 weeks..and I know its very rare for a baby to sleep through, but this is a genuine question about breaking what appears to be genuine habit :oops:

Isla has started sleeping through without a feed from 7 till 6.30..amazing! She feeds rountinley well during day, 5 6oz bottles, and then wakes and feeds really well in morning...except.

Last couple nights shes been waking around 2am, crying for a feed..or so I think..

I change her, try dummy, try a cuddle..but wont she stop till she has a bottle..but..

She takes 2ozs, then vomits its back ..which she does when she is full up. Then she has a burp and goes back to sleep not wanting more milk. This to me appears to be just habit as she doesnt actually want the milk! do I break this habit so she sleeps through?

Do I offer water? Just sit it out till she stops fussing and goes back to sleep? Or just feed her the measly ozs she obviously doesnt actually want?

Any tips or advice would be greatly recieved :hug:
hhmm thats a good question :think:
My HV said that bottled babies may need weaning earlier and that yur baby will let you know by waking up more at night, but Isla is too young for that, so yes, i'd say its a habit

I think if it were me i'd try giving a little cooled boiled water, maybe an oz, and see if i could get her back down.
Does she cry when she wakes up at 2am or just grizzle a bit ? I think i would also be inclined to leave her in her cot if she's just grizzling a bit - Josh sleeps through but will often grizzle a little at 4am, but gets himself back off to sleep

Hope you find an answer :hug:
Thanks hun, Im gonna try your suggestion on an oz of h2o tonight.

Its not a "hunger" cry as such (those are deafning!) its more shouting until she gets the bottle! :roll:
I sometimes give Josh an oz of water if he wont stop crying in the day and when i've tried everything else - he then realises that a bottle isnt really what he wants and goes back off to sleep or calms down

Let us know how you get on xx

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