Breaking dawn part 2

I'm going to mother and baby showing on Tuesday with my pal and her baby .. Can't wait!!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
That sounds like a fab idea doing a mother and baby showing tweety!!! X

I'll have to show Aaron part 1 or he wont be able to follow :lol:
I'm thinking of going again too! I really did enjoy it :) Aaron will love
Aaron will prob be the youngest ever viewer of part two..... He needs the whole box set first tweety..... Prepare him :)
I'm soooo jealous, I wanna see it now :-( xx

I'm going next weekend but am intrigued! A lot of people seem to be really surprised, just wondering if those people have read the book already and it's different or if they didn't know what was going to happen cos they hadn't read the book? Xx
I have read all the books, and was still surprised!xxx
I'm a complete twihard and was really surprised!!
I saw it in Friday and I loved it , there was some really good twists in it x
:cry: I can't go tomorrow or at all! We have no spare cash so had to cancel our plans. My week off work, the one thing I had to look forward too and now I can't go :(
I'm off to see it tonight. Excited does not even cover it!!!!! X
What a great movie! Aaron loved it too :lol:

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Is it wrong I'm jealous of Aaron???? I can't believe he has seen it and I haven't..... And to top it off he is too bloody cute for words!!! Lol xx
Absolutely loved it have to admit after reading the books had a WTF moment and lots of gasping in the cinema. Excellent twist x x
It was amazing! I'm all sad that its come to an end! X
Loved it gutted its the last one xx

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