Breaking a Female Pedophile Ring

I know Laura it's absolutely disgusting! No justice at all x

Maria I agree, like look at the 2 boys that were involved in Jamie Bulgars murder, I don't care if they were 10, they knew what they were doing and inflicted the most horrific injuries and abuse on that boy, physically and emotionally. New identities, new lives, not a care in the world. One is back in jail after being found with child abuse images, so needless to say, there is obviously something very wrong with him to have not learnt his lesson and have been so cruel at such a young age x

Munchkin I agree, I would never wish harm on anyone but people like that are different in my eyes, they take advantage and full know what they are doing, how is that ok? There should be real punishments in this country, there is no fear, I could go and stab someone, plead manslaughter and be out in 8 years! Joke xx
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I know Laura it's absolutely disgusting! No justice at all x

Maria I agree, like look at the 2 boys that were involved in Jamie Bulgars murder, I don't care if they were 10, they knew what they were doing and inflicted the most horrific injuries and abuse on that boy, physically and emotionally. New identities, new lives, not a care in the world. One is back in jail after being found with child abuse images, so needless to say, there is obviously something very wrong with him to have not learnt his lesson and have been so cruel at such a young age x

Munchkin I agree, I would never wish harm on anyone but people like that are different in my eyes, they take advantage and full know what they are doing, how is that ok? There should be real punishments in this country, there is no fear, I could go and stab someone, plead manslaughter and be out in 8 years! Joke xx

It's a disgrace how protected them boys are, I know kids aren't all sweetness and light but they were born evil and don't deserve the chances they've been given. Regardless of being old enough tohave 'known better' what they did was beyond comprehension, it's so upsetting.
We watched this the other night and I could not sleep after. Hubby said to me yesterday that he could not stop thinking about the programme and how sick those people are. Scares the life out of us xx
I think the fundamental problem with how the Bulger case was handled was that the British Justice system had never seen a case like it. The reason there is a minimum age for incarceration is that no one would ever except a 10 year old child to do such heinous things (especially those things, and to a younger child). It shocked the entire country to the core, and no one knew how to deal with it, including the court. Seeing what has happened now- one of the boys being caught with child porn- was predicted by MANY people, but what could they do? You can't convict for what someone *might* do.

It's genuinely baffling to me how anyone could behave that way toward any living thing, let alone a child. I can't fathom how a person could do those awful things. In a way, I agree they must be mentally "ill"- there's no way any sane person becomes a child abuser. But I don't believe that mental illness warrants them getting off lighter.
u know what?! people say they didnt know etc but i was 10 once and i did nothing like that!!

i remember one time i was babysitting a little girl i still talk to now and i was playing out her back garden with her and some other kids , think i was 11/12 and i was like dragging her on the lawn holding her hands and she was roaring laughing, BUT when i went home i was laughing to myself bout it and i got really scared and realised i cud have pulled her arms out of her sockets , i totally overreacted as i wasnt rough at all but i felt so bad and cried to my mummy lol , we rang her mum and she thought i was hilarious and said there was nothing wrong but i really scared myself altho i was young and prob blew it up in my head but it just shows i wud never have harmed a hair on her head and if i thought that was bad like seriously lol i cut myself up bout it for ages!! haah xx
The image of that little boy walking through the shopping centre with those two beasts will stay with me forever x
And me, I don't care what age they are, or what way they are "supposed" to deal with people that age, it's not like they hit him a few times or pulled his hair, stole his sweets, they purposely led him away from his mother, walked him for miles, beating him along the way, pushed batteries up his bum, paint in his eyes and over his body and then onto a train track? That isn't normal. If I was going to kill someone now I still wouldn't think of half the stuff that they did. 2 sick twisted little boys. They didn't even break, they were found out, and were eerily calm in the interviews. I think I was playing with barbies at 10, I don't even think I had been to a sleepover.. It isn't normal.. Justice, there is none in this country x
And me, I don't care what age they are, or what way they are "supposed" to deal with people that age, it's not like they hit him a few times or pulled his hair, stole his sweets, they purposely led him away from his mother, walked him for miles, beating him along the way, pushed batteries up his bum, paint in his eyes and over his body and then onto a train track? That isn't normal. If I was going to kill someone now I still wouldn't think of half the stuff that they did. 2 sick twisted little boys. They didn't even break, they were found out, and were eerily calm in the interviews. I think I was playing with barbies at 10, I don't even think I had been to a sleepover.. It isn't normal.. Justice, there is none in this country x

Exactly WSS

Pure evil, they should never have been released. Sorry, I know 'everyone deserves a 2nd chance' but there are exceptions to every rule and they are one.
Oh no, I wasn't implying that they should have been let off easier or deserve more of a second chance because of their age. I believe that the case was handled incorrectly, and definitely believe they were let off too light. What I meant is, the reason they were let off so light was because the justice system had NO idea how to deal with it. I'm not agreeing with that, I'm just saying I can understand the dilemma- they were looking at two of the sickest, most chilling criminals of the last 100 years- but they were children. How the hell do you come to terms with that? It's mind boggling.

I'm sorry, sometimes I'm not very good at articulating my point :)
when I was younger, my step father abused me, he didn't rape me, i think they call it grooming now. Because he hadn't raped me and had "only" touched me with my clothes on, along with him claiming I'd "led him on" (I was a pre-teen child ffs), I got told there was no point pursuing it because it would just "upset things further" and at most he'd "only get a few hours community service anyway".
It had taken a lot for me to get the courage to admit what he'd done to me, and I was left feeling like I was in the wrong, like I shouldn't have said anything because it was too upsetting for everyone else. I still have panic attacks & nightmares aobut it.

So I have no sympathy for peodophiles, and even if it is an "illness", even if they can't control their thoughts, they sure as hell dont have to act on them, they should lock themselves away from children!
when I was younger, my step father abused me, he didn't rape me, i think they call it grooming now. Because he hadn't raped me and had "only" touched me with my clothes on, along with him claiming I'd "led him on" (I was a pre-teen child ffs), I got told there was no point pursuing it because it would just "upset things further" and at most he'd "only get a few hours community service anyway".
It had taken a lot for me to get the courage to admit what he'd done to me, and I was left feeling like I was in the wrong, like I shouldn't have said anything because it was too upsetting for everyone else. I still have panic attacks & nightmares aobut it.

So I have no sympathy for peodophiles, and even if it is an "illness", even if they can't control their thoughts, they sure as hell dont have to act on them, they should lock themselves away from children!

I feel your pain hun... unfortunately it was worse for me :-(
My childhood was so messed up, apparently when I was 4 I used to go around telling everyone that my brother and I were going to get married when we were older - because that was what the evil twat made us believe :-(

I also have a scar on my forehead as a result of head-butting a mirror because "it was the right thing to do" - wtf????

But in terms of the peodophiles side of things... they need proper punishment. Prison isn't enough in my eyes... too many people see prison as a route to a warm environment with a bed where they can make friends with other inmates. FFS they even get a free education in there for when they do come out! It is all very VERY WRONG... :-( xx
Doodles and Munchkin :hug: Big hugs, if one good thing has came out of it it has made you stronger people :hug: I agree that jail isn't nearly enough x

Bexy, sorry :blush: I went off on one, just sickens me that the 2 of those "men" are starting a new life scat free. I wonder how the judge who gave the sentences and gave the go ahead for the name changes would feel if his children/grandchildren were near him and ending up being a victim (I hope to god they never go down that route again) but we have to look at the bigger picture. It's not impossible for there to be a repeat, I hope there isn't and I hope the judge can live with himself if something terrible does happen x
It was awful. You just don't think that women to do these atrocious things, do you?
That was a comment made in the programme, women were always seen as protectors.. I guess evil comes in all shapes and sizes x
Bexy, sorry :blush: I went off on one, just sickens me that the 2 of those "men" are starting a new life scat free. I wonder how the judge who gave the sentences and gave the go ahead for the name changes would feel if his children/grandchildren were near him and ending up being a victim (I hope to god they never go down that route again) but we have to look at the bigger picture. It's not impossible for there to be a repeat, I hope there isn't and I hope the judge can live with himself if something terrible does happen x

Ha, that's alright, I'm crap at explaining what I mean properly. :)

I know what you mean, I do feel the same way. Unfortunately it's never impossible for there to be a repeat, as you say. But sadly even though the world knew that at least one of those lads would do something terrible again, the law dictates that we have to give them 'a second chance'. Shocking really, considering the victim and victim's families will never get the same second chance. It's one of the many situations that show how flawed some laws and rulings are, not just in this country but worldwide.

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