braxton Hix that don't hurt?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Sorry for all the recent questions, I just have loads of things to ask atm :blush:

I just keep having my stomache go really hard, but if I didnt think to feel my tummy I wouldnt notice it at all as it isnt painful or achey or anything it just goes hard.
So are these still bh's or just something wierd? lol

also in bed this morning, but bump was rock solid for about an hour an everytime i laid on my back or wierdly on my side id have reallly bad ache all in my bump and lower back.
anyone get this?
Braxton hicks aren't normally painful so sounds like wot this is xx
I agree, don't think braxton hicks are meant to be painful, just tightenings. I don't think I've had any! Unless I have them without realising. X
Yep, I get BH which I would be oblivious to if I weren't touching or looking at my bump. Couldn't believe it at first but the midwife confirmed it. I thought there would be some kind of sensation at least!

The only time my bump goes hard for longer is after sex...makes me feel guilty as bump goes so small and round bubs must be really squished!
yup def BH, I get loads this time, and I asked the consultant about then on wed, he said that the more annoyed or upset your uterus is, the more you will get. He skaid mine had already had 3 x c-sections so was gonna be more upset with me! (I only got them last time and this time, not the first two pregnancys!
Thanks everyone, atleast Im not just having random hardnings of my tummy lol!
and same indigo, after 'doing it myself' bump goes proper hard and round on one side, i feel proper bad as it looks like shes like squooshed from my orgasm! lol
yup def BH, I get loads this time, and I asked the consultant about then on wed, he said that the more annoyed or upset your uterus is, the more you will get. He skaid mine had already had 3 x c-sections so was gonna be more upset with me! (I only got them last time and this time, not the first two pregnancys!

LOL, I love that image. I have either an oblivious, or happy uterus...
I have been getting this, where my bump goes hard then back to normal, then hard again. I get it after sex too but just where the baby is when it happens after sex, and feels slightly different. But when it happens just when i'm sitting or standing it goes really hard and tight and can last from a few seconds to 5 minutes. Is that BH or is this just something that happens during pregnancy as i'm only a few days over 30 weeks?

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I started drinking RLT on Saturday and have been having this ever since.

I am pretty sure my uterus is a happy one and the more BH you get the stronger your uterus is for the real thing (that's my mantra anyway!!)

my cousins girlfriend drank RLT, when she was in labour and at 5cm the M/W physically opened the cervix to full dialtion as it was that soft!!! two pushes later out came beautiful baby :)
rheych is it ok to drink it so early on? if so Ill start now lol
apparently, i have read all different things! going to take it and if midwife says i shouldn't then can stop, some websites say to drink it all through pregnancy
how can it be harmful though?
like what are the side effects of taking it too early if u no? x
how can it be harmful though?
like what are the side effects of taking it too early if u no? x

allegedly it can induce an early labour, not read any stories about it though? it softens the cervix and the uterus; bring it on i say :lol:

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