what do braxton hicks feel like?
yesterday i ent out shopping with DH.. i felt a sharp pain - similar to a stitch but sharper across the lower part of my stomach - under my belly button which lasted about 20 to 30 seconds then went but came back a few mins later...
later on in the day i was out shoping with mum when i got the same pain..
don't know if it was due to walking - and it was a real stitch! or if it was braxton hicks.. what stage do they start?
yesterday i ent out shopping with DH.. i felt a sharp pain - similar to a stitch but sharper across the lower part of my stomach - under my belly button which lasted about 20 to 30 seconds then went but came back a few mins later...
later on in the day i was out shoping with mum when i got the same pain..
don't know if it was due to walking - and it was a real stitch! or if it was braxton hicks.. what stage do they start?