Braxton Hicks???


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Ok, for the last couple of days, especially today I've had weird feelings round my bump... Almost like someone's got a huge rubber band and wrapped it round me, feels really tight and kinda uncomfortable... Not painful though... They've been coming and going maybe 2/3 times yesterday and more like 5/6 today... Was just wondering if they could be braxton hicks? Or am I going crazy?? :eh:

Katie xx
Could be braxton hicks. I know mine started quite early on in pregnancy. Just keep an eye on them though and if they get any worse phone your midwife.
I've been getting strange feelings too. Like things go tight under my bump and it feels like I'm being stretched up. Also my bump goes very hard and prominent.
I thought braxton hicks was like period pains just more painful?? :S When do you start getting them anyway??? I been wondering about these too x
Braxton hicks are like tightenings across your tummy. They start at the bottom and then go to the top of your bump. You can also feel them in your back as well.

Mine started at about 20 weeks.

ETA- That they're not painful at the early stage just more uncomfortable. When you get near the end they tend to get a bit more painful (well mine are anyway)
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It could be chick :) x I think you can get them earlier too but most women dont x I'm not sure they are suposed to be painful x
It could be hun, braxton hicks starts as early as 16 weeks apparently.

It could also be stretching too as your uterus is now apparently the size of a football ;-)

Its definetly not too early hunny, i had a few the other week, I posted about them back in tri-1 (3rd pregnancy) Aslong as they are not regular then I wouldnt worry x x

Thanks, I've had some like stretching sensations... That hurt!! But these are so different x
Thanks, I've had some like stretching sensations... That hurt!! But these are so different x

Ooh I know what you mean about the stretching feeling!! I've had one massive stretch in particular..and it really did feel like someone was stretching my insides horizontally! It really hurt (not horrendous or anything) enough I had to lie down for a minute till it passed x
I'd say its pretty normal, unless your doubled over in pain.

I had them on and off with my first pregnancy, but only after about 20/25 weeks.

It could be your stomach stretching as it gets bigger.

i had braxton hicks from around 16 weeks following a car accident while pregnant with my first baby, mine were like tightnings but my bump went really hard, my midwife always used to laugh saying my baby didnt like her prodding him about as it always seemed to happen when she was examining me lol x
I know the stretcgy feeling are normal... Been getting them on and off since about 11 weeks... Moan about it every time though ha ha :) I thought these 'tightenings' as it were might be braxton hicks... And by the sounds of it they probably are :) I'll bring it up when I next see my midwife, but won't be running down there in a panic :) xx
Ok, for the last couple of days, especially today I've had weird feelings round my bump... Almost like someone's got a huge rubber band and wrapped it round me, feels really tight and kinda uncomfortable... Not painful though... They've been coming and going maybe 2/3 times yesterday and more like 5/6 today... Was just wondering if they could be braxton hicks? Or am I going crazy?? :eh:

Katie xx

sounds like it is, they tend to feel like they are coming from round your sides and your whole belly tightens up, its not too early as you can actually get them from very early on in pregnancy, they do not mean you are going to go into labour anytime soon so dont worry if u do think that its just muscles preparing, with my first i got them from a bit earlier on than you then by 7 months i was constantly having them hope this help xx

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