When do Braxton Hicks start?


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Because last night i would have sworn I was having them. Every now and then i could feel a tightening in my tummy. It wasn't painful just a funny sensation. At first I thought it could be my little man moving or wind but, it wasn't.

Is it way to early for Braxton Hicks or not?
dont mean to sound thick but is braxton hicks like contractions
Yes they are practise contractions but they are not painful.
Don't worry this is my second and I feel like I don't know a thing!

Mind you pregnancy number one was 12 years ago now.
From what I recall (obviously not from experience) you start having braxton-hicks from quite early on - certainly earlier than 20 weeks. It's just that you don't really notice them until you get towards the end of the pregnancy.

Certainly, a painless and temporary tightening of the stomach sounds like BH.
I never noticed them in my last pregnancy, haven't had them yet this time either
I've noticed the tightening a bit, but only when I'm in bed. It could be that they happen at other times but I don't notice except when I'm relaxed myself.
I feel them more when I am laying on my back. My belly really tightens. It's not painful, just kind of odd but I love it :D
Some women feel them really quite early on and others don't feel them at all.

I'm one of those that don't seem to have experienced them but have had every other pregnancy symptom quite bab. xxx
I have been getting these for weeks too, at first I thought it was Bean turning round but I have come to the conclusion they must be Braxton Hicks, I think as long as you arent in pain its fine - feels quite weird though!
Pregnancy is so bizarre....
Thank you everyone it felt really weird when they started. I thought it was too early to feel them!
Mine have started to hurt now :shock: Funny to watch my tum go to such an odd shape tho :rotfl:

I just thought my little boy was having a good twist and turn in there. But i knew it felt different to baby moving OH thought i had lost the plot. I didn't worry too much because they were not painful all the pregnancy books i looked in though didn't mention Braxton Hicks starting until much later on.
mine started around 16 weeks... But I think I only noticed them because I'd had a baby before... and I used to get them loads in my last pregnancy..

I get them loads now... and they are bloody uncomfortable when little miss decided she doesn't like having her space constricted... I actually think I have bruises on the inside of my uterus.. :think: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm wondering if maybe I did have them last time but just mistook them for the baby turning around, the tummy going a funny shape bit sounds familiar :think:
muppetmummy said:
I'm wondering if maybe I did have them last time but just mistook them for the baby turning around, the tummy going a funny shape bit sounds familiar :think:

That is what I thought was happening at first it felt a little bit like baby turning around but i could definitely feel a tightening sensation.
I've been having them since about 15 weeks. I mentioned it to the midwife who dimissed the idea and said I couln't be feeling them yet.....I WAS! I know what they feel like and they are BH's

I don't find them painful jut a bit uncomortable at times!!

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