Boy's are so damn difficult!


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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I'm only 5 weeks pregnant but I have a strong feeling we're having a boy. BIG problem when it comes to names! When I was pregnant with Beth, we threw a few boy's names around and we both liked Max, but have now gone off it.

I keep looking at lists of baby names but nothing jumps out at us. DH likes Lewis and I like Timothy and that's all we've got. I don't like Lewis and he HATES Timothy, so we're screwed.

I want a name that isn't too unusual. A name that can be shortened (Timothy to Tim for example, omg I wish DH liked it!). A name that isn't too popular.

Help! :(
Benjamin - Ben
Isaac - Zac
Robert - Robbie/Rob/Bobby
Christopher - Chris
Michael - Mikey
Steven - Stevie
Thomas - Tom
I like Ben, DH doesn't.
He likes Zac and I don't.
We have Robert, Christopher, Steven and Thomas in our families already.
I've always liked the name Michael but I've never met a nice Michael so it puts me off.

I'd forgotten about liking Michael and Ben though, so thanks for reminding me! :D I'm going to put them on the list for now ;)
Michael McIntyre is fab ~ there is a nice Michael for you!! X
I wanted to name our lo Michael and shorten it to Mikey but we have a close family member with that name so it was a no. As for no nice Michaels there's Michael...Owen? He seems nice?! Lol
I do like Michael McIntyre, but then I got said when I read somewhere that he doesn't write his own material.

But, he has a son called Oscar and I quite like that name, and does DH :D
What about Matthew - Matt? Love that name but oh's best friend is a Matt so its out for us x
That reminds me Becky... My oh's friend is called Elliot which I love as a name but could never use it for this reason.
Samuel? Obviously shorted to Sam or Sammy.

Andrew. Can be shorted to Andy or Drew.

Tobias - Toby
Michael - Mikey or just Mike
Thomas- Tom
Kaiser - Kai
We decided on Danny (I am not a fan of Daniel but love Danny) which can always be shortened to Dan as he gets older x
As soon as I knew I was pregnant I was adamant I was having a boy as I always wanted to have a little boy but I was finding it hard finding a name that wasn't too commonly used but also wasn't something that was too wacky or out there! So finding a name was so hard! The further I got into my pregnancy I thought I would well it could be a girl but that was a lot easier I already had a girls name that I wanted (now I have gone off it) so when my baby was born & it was a boy I had no name! He didn't look like the name I had chosen but a few days before I had gone in to be induced I had a new name & that was the name I went with in the end as I thought it suited him a lot better & the meaning of his name is very fitting! I went with the name Luca & he has 2 middle names David George after my dad & his honoury Irish grand dad & my moms grand dad which I didn't know at the time
Theodore- Theo
William- Will
Samuel- Sam
Benjamin- Ben

I have Theo but not Theodore because we felt we would never actually call him it so just Theo!
William but shortened to Will was very close second. X

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