Bowel Problems


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Morning all,

I have some problems... again!

Before I discovered I was PG I used to suffer from diarrhoa all the time and couldnt digest certain foods.

However since being pregnant I have been constipated for about 90% of the time. But for the past few days I have been getting terrible stomach cramps very similar to the ones I used to get when I was about to 'blow' :rotfl:

I had them all last night and this morning but I still can't go to the loo. I have taken some sennakot but it hasnt worked yet.

I am so worried that having all this bad stuff inside me, (cause it obvious that my body wants it out) is gonna cause my baby harm.

Is anyone else in a similar situation?
yeah slightly constipated and having really bad wind problems, trapped wind when i wake up every morning and its really uncomfortable, another one of the joys of being pg, my ms is getting worse at the moment aswell :puke: :( anyone got any tips for trapped wind?
i never realised trapped wind could be sobloody painful lol i get it now and again too and its really uncomfortable so any tips would be good.
one day you can't go the next day you can't stop and the wind :oops: ,oh the joys :lol: :hug: xx
mishm said:
i never realised trapped wind could be sobloody painful lol i get it now and again too and its really uncomfortable so any tips would be good.

In hospitals they always use peppermint cordial.

Peppermint tea is quite nice too!
My DH has said he isn't taking me out after i give birth till I can prove I am a lady again LOL ..All i do is burp and fart.been lucky enough to not suffer constipation yet.
i seem to get bad wind pains on the night in my stomach.god it bladdy kills,i drink a cup of warn water and that sometimes helps
I took sennakot yesterday which is ok to take during pregnancy, I was pooing all day yesterday! and all last night and this morning passing wind that has made my OH proud! :rotfl:
Feel much better but still getting the odd wind pain, I never realised how much it could hurt!!!
i get trapped wind in my boob and it feels like im having a heart attack :|
loulou1980 said:
i get trapped wind in my boob and it feels like im having a heart attack :|

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
sorry to laugh but that is the the best quote yet!
I have to admit though I get that too and it really hurts!!!

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