Bought my hospital stuff yesterday :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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I went out and bought my hospital stuff yesterday, now it feels like it is not far away at all :cloud9:

6 weeks till i'm due, and if he stays breech he will be here in 5weeks (@ 39Weeks):love:
I'm 34 weeks tomorrow :D & seeing my consultant on monday (@34+4)
so exited :D

I'm gona wash all my little mans clothes n bedding in a couple weeks and will get my hospital bag packed at about 37weeks.

what did you all buy for hospital bag? x
I still couldnt beleive i was buying hospital stuff !! it didnt seem real, iv still got some more bits to pick up at weekend, although i do keep changing babys cloths, not sure what sizes to take to the hosp with me ?
I printed a list which i found on the net which was quite useful, no doubt il forget something, :) xx
I still couldnt beleive i was buying hospital stuff !! it didnt seem real, iv still got some more bits to pick up at weekend, although i do keep changing babys cloths, not sure what sizes to take to the hosp with me ?
I printed a list which i found on the net which was quite useful, no doubt il forget something, :) xx

I'm just taking upto 1month (1Olbs) my last baby was big 9lbs 4oz and this little man weighed 5lbs 9oz @ 33weeks exactly so will be a good size i guess lol.

I'm not packing the bag for a few weeks yet though. but plan to wash all baby's stuff in about 2weeks :)

how many weeks are you? x
Woohoo! Makes it seem so real talking about hospital bags!! I have a wee question... What kind of bag are you using? A hold all or rucksack?? I have no idea what size I am going to need, or is appropriate xx
Woohoo! Makes it seem so real talking about hospital bags!! I have a wee question... What kind of bag are you using? A hold all or rucksack?? I have no idea what size I am going to need, or is appropriate xx

I'm just gona use oh's holdall. not sure if i'll need one or two, might take two lol
one for me and one for baby.

how many weeks are you? x
Woohoo! Makes it seem so real talking about hospital bags!! I have a wee question... What kind of bag are you using? A hold all or rucksack?? I have no idea what size I am going to need, or is appropriate xx

I'm just gona use oh's holdall. not sure if i'll need one or two, might take two lol
one for me and one for baby.

how many weeks are you? x

I'm 27 weeks today! And it's my 27th birthday :) my 1st day in tri3! I am due 25th of July, what about you?

I might take have a look and see what I have, could always keep additional stuff in the car and could easily get brought in with my boyfriend if need be. I'm imagining me needing all these maternity pads, breast pads, towels, don't know how many change of clothes. All the babies stuff... I have visions of needing a suitcase! Haha!x
I started my bag around 29 - 30 week just incase of an emergency really, the ladies on here suggested i started sooner rather than later :)

im 33 weeks +3 days now - im due to go for my 2nd growth scan on tuesday as im expecting a big baby, she was 3.5lbs at 28 weeks so i wonder what she weighs now lol ! i was planning on taking 2 bags in with me, one for the both of us :) dont think il fit everything into 1 ! xxx
Its a minefield knowing what to take isn't it? If you read some of the lists online you'd need about three suitcases!! I've packed my hospital stuff in one weekend bag and will be putting the baby stuff into a large changing bag (when I buy one!!). I think I'm going to pack a small bag with extra going home stuff for me in a separate bag and leave it at home or in the car for OH to bring in. I've packed and unpacked several times already though so who knows what I'll have in there when the time actually - probably all the wrong stuff lol xx
Woohoo! Makes it seem so real talking about hospital bags!! I have a wee question... What kind of bag are you using? A hold all or rucksack?? I have no idea what size I am going to need, or is appropriate xx

I'm just gona use oh's holdall. not sure if i'll need one or two, might take two lol
one for me and one for baby.

how many weeks are you? x

I'm 27 weeks today! And it's my 27th birthday :) my 1st day in tri3! I am due 25th of July, what about you?

I might take have a look and see what I have, could always keep additional stuff in the car and could easily get brought in with my boyfriend if need be. I'm imagining me needing all these maternity pads, breast pads, towels, don't know how many change of clothes. All the babies stuff... I have visions of needing a suitcase! Haha!x

Congrats on third trimester & happy birthday :D I'm 34weeks tomorrow so 6weeks to go 5 if i get section @ 39weeks.

I started my bag around 29 - 30 week just incase of an emergency really, the ladies on here suggested i started sooner rather than later :)

im 33 weeks +3 days now - im due to go for my 2nd growth scan on tuesday as im expecting a big baby, she was 3.5lbs at 28 weeks so i wonder what she weighs now lol ! i was planning on taking 2 bags in with me, one for the both of us :) dont think il fit everything into 1 ! xxx

I'm waiting a few weeks if i was to go into labour now a bag would be the least of my worries since i'd be early and baby is breech lol

I also have big baby he was 3lbs 4oz @ 28weeks and last week at 33 weeks exactly he was 5lbs 9oz they say they put on about half a pound a week so hes prob 6lbs by now lol
Thank you! How exciting! Won't be long coming in... I am
Due to finsih up work in 7weeks so I'm hoping it will fly in, you will have your baby by then :) xx
My bags also nearly packed just a few more things to go in. Most stuff has been washed aswell its all soo exciting x
i just bought the last of my stuff today and got those packed, just a few minor things to put in for myself now and i'm all done, feel a lot more relaxed knowing i'm nearly on top of things! :) x
i'd only get bored and unpack and pack stuff if i started too early lol gives me something to do in a few weeks when im nearer the time :)

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