Bottled water v Tap water


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Ive just watched Panarama and it was about how the bottled water indusrty is unethical for various reasons, the main being the carbon emmissions and that some of the water is coming from countries whos own population doesnt have access to safe drinking water. They said there is no difference between bottled and tap water.

I prefer bottled water (2ltr for 23p from Lidl :wink: ) but i dont mind drinking tap water as long as I drink it straight away. I cannot stand it when it has been standing for about 30 mins, to me it tastes bitter and metallic. however will prob put more thought into where my water comes from from now on.

Just wondering what other people think...
I use tap water and for the kids stuff i have a brits filter thing. but its for squash only.
we drink mostly tap or if we can we buy the water that is bottled in a farm close to us "dwr cerist water" :D
I dont drink bottled for many reasons
1 why buy it when you can get it from a tap wste of money as far as im concerned
2 What a waste of plastic and travel miles BAD for the enviroment
3 I dont belive that bottled is in anyway heathier then tap
4 I really cant tell the difference between them ive tried it and i cant say it tastes better or worse it's the same for me.
Well any bottled water is going to have an impact on the environment somehow. If its shipped in from overseas there are the emissions from shipping and the plastic bottles. Its a huge waste of resources IMHO.

If its UK sourced, there are still those factors on a lesser scale.

And yes, some countries don't have a decent water supply.

I find it a waste to buy bottled water tbh. Its one of those things that we have grown accustomed to having, but could manage fine without. I didn't have a drink of bottled water till I was into my mid/late teens and Perrier first took off. Till then it had been tap water all the way.

I personally feel tap water is fine in the home. Its treated, its cheap and it does the same job as bottled. If I go out to a restuarant I always ask for a jog of tap water also. Some water is harder than in other areas, but you can always fiter it etc.
Our water tastes awful, really metalic and chemically so dont like to drink it unless its with cordial etc. We buy bottled water & drink loads, theres defo a difference in the taste between tap and bottled water.
happy_chick said:
Our water tastes awful, really metalic and chemically so dont like to drink it unless its with cordial etc. We buy bottled water & drink loads, theres defo a difference in the taste between tap and bottled water.

come to Spain... it tastes worse :rotfl: I can't drink our tap water... it makes me :puke: We have a brita filter to filter the water we put in the kettle but if we don't change the filter in the 4 week limit... you can start to taste the chemicals again even though the water has been filtered and boiled.

As for the whole environment thing... we were due to have the River Ebro diverted down here as there are severe water shortages here in the summer.. after the Madrid bombings and the change in the government, the new government decided they didn't want to do that and we now have water supplied to us via desalination .. sound environmentally friendly?? Its anything but... the amount of waste and emissions created by the construction of the complexes is bad enough but there is just the same amount of waste and emissions that are pumped into the sea and air in the desalination process...

For us it's six and two threes... the lesser of the two evils is bottled water.. :roll:
I cant stand tap water it tastes wrong. especially if it has been standing for a couple of minutes, i will drink it in tea and coffee and cordial but thats it. I was told about a thing on the news this morning about somewhere that have no clean water but we get bottles of their water here that are clean and sold on. I only know of british bottled water and thats what i drink.
I always drink tap water when im at home, tastes the same aswell.

Only time I buy bottled water is if im in town and im thirsty and fancy a cold drink :)
we have a water supply on our fridge and that is fitted with a main filter (straight from the main pipe) i cant stand water out the tap as it tastes dirty to me, i know it isnt but i am so used to taking water from the fridge that i cant drink it, i can tell if its out of the tap before it goes in my mouth, i can smell it...erggg.
Rachel said:
I always drink tap water when im at home, tastes the same aswell.

Only time I buy bottled water is if im in town and im thirsty and fancy a cold drink :)
same here :)
xrachx said:
we have a water supply on our fridge and that is fitted with a main filter (straight from the main pipe) i cant stand water out the tap as it tastes dirty to me, i know it isnt but i am so used to taking water from the fridge that i cant drink it, i can tell if its out of the tap before it goes in my mouth, i can smell it...erggg.

our fridge is the same so i guess im used to filtered water but i have nothing against tap water.
If i'm out i might buy bottled water though i try and remember to take some with me.
I think that we can do ourselves more harm by exclusively drinking bottled water. The tap water we have in this country is perfectly safe for drinking and by sticking to the bottled stuff you could be unwittingly putting your health at risk. I'm not explaining this very well...

We all know that when kids are allowed to come into contact with a bit of dirt, it helps their immune system whereas those that are not can suffer more from health complaints. Surely it's the same principle?
Our tap water comes from a bore hole. It tastes fine but in the summer when the cows are out, they disturb it or something and there is LOADS of black specks in it. I won't drink it for this reason. It's disturbing to even bath in it much less drink it.

Our old house had spring water and it was lovely :D

When I drink mains tap water I can definately tell the difference, it tastes a bit chlorinated to me.

Do you think it's undoing the good of buying fairtrade coffee to then make it using bottled water??
i prefer water to be fizzy so buy bottled water from lidl, nice and cheap :D
Tap water.

I got some 'bottled water' a few months back cos it was on offer. Just cos the actual bottles where nice. (thick plastic, special on off lid etc) Ive re-used them ever sinse by just filling them with tap water and putting them in the fridge. lovely :)
xrachx said:
we have a water supply on our fridge and that is fitted with a main filter (straight from the main pipe) i cant stand water out the tap as it tastes dirty to me, i know it isnt but i am so used to taking water from the fridge that i cant drink it, i can tell if its out of the tap before it goes in my mouth, i can smell it...erggg.

same here but the filter ran out and havent got round to buying another yet so technically i just drink refrigerated tap water!

am not really fussed. our water is lovely. apparently though, water in the south doesnt taste very nice and my family down there drink bottled.
Well our tap water tasted gross but I bought a ceramic water cooler and it filters the water through so it tastes better, but keeps the fluoride that you don't get in bottled water. I do buy a bottle of water every couple months when I'm out and have forgotten to bring water with me.
Where I come from the tap water has apparently passed through 9 people before it come out of my tap.

Yum :cheer:

I don't buy bottled water though, we also have a fridge with a water and ice dispenser. Our filter needed changing ages ago so yeah I do drink tap water but in my mind its filtered :shhh:

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