Bottle Feeding Query

Little Rose

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hi - my baby is one week old today and takes 3oz almost at every feed.

Do any of you let your baby take this full amount without winding/burping or do you stop around every ounce to do this? She hates the bottle being taken away from her.

Also - how long should I keep her awake after she is fed?

I have been trying different things to see if she will sleep for longer during the night but have not found the right combination yet. Yesterday I fed her on demand and she woke every 2 hours for a feed during the night! So that did not work.

There are so many different pieces of conflciting advice out there i'd be interested to hear from someone who found a winning combination.

What i tend to do is just go with the flow, sometimes my lo needs winding during a feed but other times we wind him when hes finished. If hes quite content sucking away then i dont take the bottle away, but if he gets fidgity then i take the bottle away and wind him, or he pushes the bottle out of his own accord and then i would wind. Your little one is only a week old bless, when my lo was that old he just used to sleep pretty much all the time, bottle then straight back to sleep again.
And Ive yet to find the winning combination for sleeping through lol lol lolxxxx
my lo at a week old was feedig every 2-3 hours but she was bf i just started a bedtime routine at 2 weeks old an that helped she had a bath fed then bed and after a couple of weeks she realised it was night time and slept longer but it took a lot but they eventually do it x
My LO has always drunk loads, and is now at 4oz, every 2 hrs if she wanted!

I generally stop her halfway through her bottle to wind her, but only becuase I can see that she is gulping it down so quickly, she cant get it down fast enough!

Like you, im trying to experiment with what will work for her, in order for me to get some sleep - if I feed her on demand, like you, it would be every 2 hrs. Im trying my own thing now, and trying to stretch out feeds to every 3 to 3 and a half hours to see if that also tempted to feed her as much as she will drink, so she is full and content so will sleep for longer...who knows!
my lucy is now 12 weeks and is only just starting to sleep through the night. she was breast feed for the first 6 weeks and used to wake every 2 to 3 hours for a feed. even when introducing the bottle she would still wake every few hours. she used to get really angry ifi took the bottle away to wind!! so just used to take away when she had a natural pause in her feeding. she is fine at winding now but rarely gives her wind away and usually has bottom burps instead~!!. its really hard to get into a routine isnt it at this age and is very draining but you will soon be in the swing of things xx

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