bottle fed babies routines


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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can I ask all formula fed babies what they do during the day & night?

Im trying all sorts to get Oran to sleep through but no luck, he seems to be getting worse.

during the day he does about 5 - 6 oz (normally 5.5oz) about every 3.5 to 4.5 hours, although he does on alot of days go say from midday till like 6-7pm so is going 6-7 hours then is back to about 4 hours, but then on a night, he will wake up after 4 hours, then only have 2oz and go back to sleep then wake up after 2.5 hours (I asume due to him being hungry after only having 2 oz) and have another 2.3 oz, then wake up again after about 3 hours and take 6oz

last night for example, he had 5.5 oz at 10pm, was asleep and in bed by 11.30pm, woke at 1.55am for food, had 2oz and would not take anymore (not even via dream feed) and went back to sleep 2.30am, he woke at 4.30am and took about 2.5oz and went back to sleep about 5am, then woke at 8.30am and had a full 6oz.

grrrrrrr - any one help?
have you tried annoying him when he falls asleep on the bottle? The mw always said to us to tickle his feet, change his nappy and if all else fails strip him off, this way they wake up and have a bit more.

Thomas has milk and goes to bed at 7:30 - generally aleep by 8:30, then wakes at 12/1ish then about 3/4ish then 6 and that is him up! He normally chugs 5ish ounces but still blummin wakes up every three/four hours. I can't wait till he drops at least one of these feeds, that is what hungry baby was supposed to do but it just ended up hurting his tummy!
missac said:
have you tried annoying him when he falls asleep on the bottle? The mw always said to us to tickle his feet, change his nappy and if all else fails strip him off, this way they wake up and have a bit more.

Thomas has milk and goes to bed at 7:30 - generally aleep by 8:30, then wakes at 12/1ish then about 3/4ish then 6 and that is him up! He normally chugs 5ish ounces but still blummin wakes up every three/four hours. I can't wait till he drops at least one of these feeds, that is what hungry baby was supposed to do but it just ended up hurting his tummy!

yup I try all that stuff to wake him. I usually change his nappy when he falls asleep after 1.5-2 oz and it gets him another oz if Im lucky, then he sleeps again and this time nothing wakes him, not having his feet out, or tickling them or rubbing his jaw!! He is like his pappi and sleeps through anything!! I might have to try and ice cube - or what that just be cruel PMSL

On a plus note...yesturday I fed him every 3.5-4 hours in the day wether he asked for it or not, then bathed him at 10.30, fed him where he took 5oz, then he was asleep and in his basket by 12am, he didnt wake till 4.20am where he had 3oz in a go fell asleep, I put him down, he cried and did a beltch and a little sickky, (I lay him down to quick) he took the other 2 oz, slept till 7am, fidgeted, went back off till 8.30 and then woke for his breakie and had a full 6oz............I hope this is a sign of things to come however I bet it was just a one off andthe monkey was teasing me!!
JW we had the same problem with Evie. are you just feeding Oran on demand? Thats what we were doing and she was taking a few oz then falling asleep them waking up and hour or 2 later and screaming her head off for more. It was a nightmare! So what we done was got her into our own little routine which meant she would get fed at the same time everyday, the same amounts each time and we make her finish her bottle everytime (persist no matter how long it take him to finish the bottle he will eventually start taking it quicker). Ever since we put her on that rioutine she starterd sleeping through the night (11.30pm-8am :sleep: ) . this is the routine we give her:

8am- 6oz
11.30am - 6oz
6.30pm- 5oz

the larger amount must be given at morning (as they will be hungry from their longer sleep) in the afternoon (to encourage tham to have a longer afternoon nap) and bedtime (to see them through the night).

Hope this helps hun i know how difficult it can be to persist when its so tiring and the wee monsters arent letting up! :hug:
emily now has between 4 - 7 oz every 4 hours during the day
her last feed at 10pm is 7oz and then sleep until 6am and has another 7oz and at 10am she has about 5oz

she falls asleep at her bottle at night too
and she wont wake up and shell cry when she does
its hard work at the moment as i have to hold her while she sleeps and try to wake her up until she finishes her bottle and then i put her in her cot to sleep.
she gets really cranky,
im going to start putting her down at 8pm to sleep for 2 hours before her 10pm feed and see how that goes
i know this may sound too simple but try turning the nippe of the bottle while its in his mouth, or pull it out altogether, used to work for stephen.
little*red said:
JW we had the same problem with Evie. are you just feeding Oran on demand? Thats what we were doing and she was taking a few oz then falling asleep them waking up and hour or 2 later and screaming her head off for more. It was a nightmare! So what we done was got her into our own little routine which meant she would get fed at the same time everyday, the same amounts each time and we make her finish her bottle everytime (persist no matter how long it take him to finish the bottle he will eventually start taking it quicker). Ever since we put her on that rioutine she starterd sleeping through the night (11.30pm-8am :sleep: ) . this is the routine we give her:

8am- 6oz
11.30am - 6oz
6.30pm- 5oz

the larger amount must be given at morning (as they will be hungry from their longer sleep) in the afternoon (to encourage tham to have a longer afternoon nap) and bedtime (to see them through the night).

Hope this helps hun i know how difficult it can be to persist when its so tiring and the wee monsters arent letting up! :hug:

cheers hun ill try this - although we dont really feed on demand so to speak, he just usually gets fed between 3 and 5 hours depending on when he starts grizzling for it, but if he grizzles say after 1.5 hours we hold him off for 3 hours other wise he take a piddly amount and it messes the whole day up.

Ill start doing set times from Monday (when OH is at work its so much easier to do what I want lol) and see what the crack is and hope it starts to work.

The other thing we need to get him out of the habit of doing is falling asleep on me as well as I want to put him in his basket and him to fall asleep in there.

thanks for all the help
we feed willow every 3-4 hours her rountine is

1st feed 7oz then all other feeds 6ozs her last feed is at 7pm and we have a rountine before feeding her we change her nappy change her in to a sleepsuit top and tail her and then feed her we do this everynight and have done for 3 weeks now so she is learning this is her betime she take 6ozs we put her down at 7:15-7:30 and do the same rountine when putting her in her cot, she gives us a big smile and we leave th room. she grizzles for about 10-15 mins then settles until at the earliest 5am but this morning she woke at 6:45am. she likes her sleep like her mummy (thank goodness)
you just need to get into a nighttime rounteine so he laerns it is nighttime and time to sleep.
Nathans been feeding about every 3-4 hours during the day for ages. he has 7oz. He has
9.30pm then he sleeps through. he used to wake for one at 4am but he dropped that about a month ago. :D
well ive stated this today and weshall see how it goes although i know it might take a few days to get in to it. I need to get in to the routine of doing his bath the same time every night as sometimes its 8pm some times 9pm and some times 10pm just depending on how he is doing but if I do it the same time he will get used to it.

so far he had 6oz at 9.30am, 6.5oz at 12.30 and will be having 6oz at 3.30 then ill give him 6oz at 6.30 then bath him at 9pm and give him 7oz then try and put him down.

the thing is he always falls asleep on me and its hard to get him to sleep in his basket, the reason he falls asleep on me is he had a bit of reflux (according to the dr's) so if we lay him down after a feed he throws up, so we were told to keep him upright for 45 mins after a feed, now, while we dont loave it this long we do keep him upright for about 15mins, then as soon as I try lay him down he wakes, so I usually let him get in to a deeper sleep on me then put him down. how can I get him to sleep himself in his basket - we need his breathing checked again on wed at his check as he wakes him self by trying to catch his breath, they said all along there is nothing wrong but im sure there is.

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