borderline low blood results???


Jun 27, 2012
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just had a phone call from the doctors to say that the doctor wants me to go back in, in two weeks to get my bloods done again (after getting them done with the midwife) after something was borderline low... they couldnt tell me what was borderline low and its got me worried exspesh my OH, does anyone know what it can be, what can be borderline low out of the tests i had done ..also she said the doctor said its nothing to worry about and that they just need to check it again in a couple of weeks... however getting a phone call like this does worry you
Did they not tell you what they were testing for the first time around?
My dr has been testing my blood for Progestrone levels and HcG levels to make sure that they are maybe it could be progesterone?

Or maybe youre a bit iron deficient.

I'd suggest that you make an appointment to see your doctor and talk it over with him so you're not left in the dark too much. :)

It's probably iron, if that's low they have to check every two weeks and u may have to go on iron tablets, try not to worry though, if it's that it's quite common x
Did they not tell you what they were testing for the first time around?
My dr has been testing my blood for Progestrone levels and HcG levels to make sure that they are maybe it could be progesterone?

Or maybe youre a bit iron deficient.

I'd suggest that you make an appointment to see your doctor and talk it over with him so you're not left in the dark too much. :)


it was the tests i had at my booking appointment the doc supposed to be ringing me 2mora morning x
It could be many things! Low iron or thyroid hormones?
It's probably iron, if that's low they have to check every two weeks and u may have to go on iron tablets, try not to worry though, if it's that it's quite common x

ok thanks they did say to go back in two weeks for more bloods so fingers crossed thats all it is x
doc rangand it was just borderline low platelets so nothing to worry about x
I have had low platelets in every pregnancy, had bloods taken every week during my last pregnancy!! Nothing to worry about though :) xx

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