Booking Visit with Midwife


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
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I finally have a date for my first Booking Visit with the Midwife... 1st July!! So I will be about 9 +4 weeks on this day. :cheer:

Do you get any kind of scan/examination at this vist? I know of the 12 week dating scan...... but this still doesnt feel real (Despite the fact I'm feeling sick, sore boobs etc!)... and I dont think Its going to hit me until I have some proof in front of my eyes that there is a LO in there!! :oops: :oops:

I feel really daft saying this since I did 4 pregnanct tests (all BFPs) and today/tomo is the day of my second missed AF.
:wave: my appointment took more than an hour. She asked tons of questions - medical history of myself and the whole family. She has also measured height, weight and took lots of blood samples for HIV, Hepatitis etc. She hasn't done any other test.
Enjoy your visit :hug:
You don't get a scan at your booking in with the MW. 12 week scan is the dating scan :)

No examination either. Just some questions on medical history etc, BP, weight, maybe urine dip.
I was 12 weeks at my booking appointment and the MW took my blood pressure, weight, urine sample and blood. She also asked loads of questions about mine/OH families health conditions, where I wanted to have my baby and also some info on classes that might interest me. When I was leaving I got a bounty pack that contained all sorts of leaflets and info. x
I was 12 weeks at my first booking in and my midwife first of all filled in a large booklet form with all my details and family history. Then she took a urine sample and about 5 viles of blood. She was supposed to take my weight and give me a bag of things but she forgot lol.
no you don't get a scan at your booking appointment, you will get that at 12 weeks. My first appointment lasted about an hour and you get your green notes and also loads of leaflets and a purple and green book. You will also get sent for routine blood tests. Make sure you take a water sample with you because she will probably want to test it. Their all completely obsessed with wee as you will find out!!
hope this helps and congratulations on your pregnancy! :cheer:
hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months :hug:
Thanks everyone for the answers! Been trying to probe my parents about medical history stuff etc.... lol

Very much looking forward to the 12 week scan!! :cheer: :cheer:

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