Booking in Appointment??


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi Ladies.

Just wondered when you are supposed to have your booking in / first midwife appointment?? I can't remeber what happened with DS, lol!

I just want to see the midwife soon so i can sort my dates out as i think i am around 4+2 (as having messed up cycles) but going on LMP i would be 6+1. Which i really don't think i am seeing as i only got a BFP Yesterday on CD43!!

So when did you book in??


Laura, Alfie & Sprout!
hi hun everywhere is different i booked in at 5 weeks with my midwife and she will come to the house when im about 8 weeks to finish filling in all the forms etc but i know some people havent seen there midwives till after 8 weeks xxxxxxxxx
I actually booked in really early at 6weeks but usually I think its about 8-10 weeks? Maybe even later for some!!
Cool well i will give them aring. I just hope they don't try and say i am further on than i am and not give me a dating scan. They are stingy round here and only do the 20 week scan routinely.

If they go by LMP they will miss the window for the nuchal scan. Which i want to have. Even just for the chance to see baby!

I might make a docs appointment this week, need to see them for something else anyway. Then i can ask then.

I really can't remener when i booked in with DS. But i know she offered to come round my house and do it. And i was like 'NO!' as i lived with my parents at the time and they didn't know i was pregnant, lol!

I have been really lucky! I didnt know how far I was so I got a scan that told me I was 6 weeks, then he said come back for another at 12 weeks then we will give you a due date! then I will have my 20 week scan!
My midwife booked mine for me when I was around 5 weeks, its next week and I will be ten weeks :dance:
My GP said my appt will be when I am between 8 and 10 weeks. I am 8 weeks on Tuesday but still haven't heard anything. I'll give it a week then give them a ring xx
My midwife came to my house for booking appt at about 6 weeks. I don't see her again until I'm 13 weeks.

I think not only does it differ between areas but different midwives like different things. My friend's midwife said she doesn't do home visits for bookings.
Im seeing my doctor on thursday for my booking in ect, hopefully will be able to get an early scan :D
My booking in appointment is on Wednesday. :dance: By my dates I will be 8 weeks then (although trying to work out my LMP was a bit like pin the tail on the donkey so we'll just wait for a scan I think!! :oops: )

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