Booking in Appointment


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
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Just been thinking and wondered when everyone's is? My midwife called over a week ago to book my appointment on the 22nd Jan so I'll be about 11 weeks, will she book me in for my 12 week scan?
Mines the 27th of January so I'll be 9-10 weeks so yeah I'm sure they'll get your scan in time Hun xxx
I have booked a Drs appointment jan 4th where I hope she will arrange 1st midwife appointed where I hope the 1st scan gets booked all very exciting xx
My booking in is on Tuesday... I'll be exactly 13 weeks, but I'm not bothered about a scan so that wasn't an issue.
I had my booking in appointment yesterday, and she's refered me for my scan as no one had done it as I self referred. I'm about 7 weeks ish. Hoping the scan date comes through quickly so my OH can book it off work.
I had my first Midwife appointment at 8+2 and have my dating scan booked for 13 weeks :-) xx
Where I am you get both letters through the post pretty much at same time - so you aren't waiting for booking in before scan appointment comes of that makes sense. Booking in at 10 weeks and scan at 12.
I've not had any letters yet, oh well will see what happens! I'm having a private scan next week at 8 weeks but I think they'll date me at 7 weeks (irregular cycles so j don't no when I ovulated
I have my booking appt on the 29th. I'll be exactly 8 weeks so not sure if midwife will book my scan in or I'll get a letter.
I have my booking in app on 14th Jan will be nearly 10 weeks then, two days after booking that with the midwife, I had my letter through for my scan on 1st Feb.

I am meant to be starting a new job which involves staying away for the first 4 weeks on the 11th Jan! I have told them I need to have those days off!

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