Booking in appointment


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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I went to the doctors a couple of weeks back and I am still waiting for an appointment with the midwife. Does she usually call or write to make the appointment? I feel like they have forgotten about me that's all! :cry:
how far gone are you?

my doctors are a load of crap and no one got back to me so i called and asked can i make an appointment to see midwife thay said i have to see doc first i tld them i seen a doc and its all confirmed they said ok and made an appointment over the phone
I'm 7w4d Dionne. I suppose the midwife will get in touch from reading some of the other threads on here. If not I will call them myself.
My docs wrote to me and told me, my midwife didnt see me for the first time untill i was 12 weeks.
I went to see the doctor and then just had to book my own midwife appointment who saw me for a 15 min app at 8 weeks then a hour booking in at 12 weeks
Hi Mermaid,

We had our pregnancy confirmed by a blood test then saw a midwife but had to go back at 10 weeks as that was when thay book in! I think most docs book you in at 10 weeks
I'm still waiting to get my appointment through, I give them my details when i was about 6 weeks but i still haven't heard anything.
Hi girls :0)

I went to the doctors at 6 weeks. The midwife called me today (9w2d) and I have my booking in appointment on Sunday.

Finally becoming a little bit more real!
I have my appointment through this week. I will be 9wks when I see the midwife. I noticed on here that the midwife visits some people at home, is that right? I have to go to the local hospital. :think:
Put it this way i had my booking in appointment on the Wednesday and had my 12 week scan on the Tuesday, so thats how long i had to wait for my booking in appointment, only reason i got in to see my midwife was because i ended up phoning and getting it myself, rather than wait another 3 weeks for the doctor to arrange it!
I phoned my doctor last week to see if i could sort it out and they said once you have handed your details in they have nothing to do with it. I couldn't speak to a midwife cos there was none in and they only come in twice a week for 3 hours!
I just called the surgery & asked the receptionist for an appointment with the midwife, got one right then on the phone. Try that and see if you have anymore luck hun!
I am having probs getting an appointment too. My OH read on some National Preg Institute website (or something like that) that your appointment should be made before 12 weeks....Well my Drs obviously couldn't care less about that!

I saw the doctor when I was 4 1/2 weeks because I had a UTI and he told me to make an apt with the midwife on my way out.

The receptionist, however, told me I would have to ring back when I was 6 weeks, as they only booked 4 wks in advance and the midwife liked to see people at 10 wks.

I rang at 6 wks and the receptionist told me all the first appointments had gone and started rambling on about my first apt being at 16 wks and that would be fine?????!!!???? She then suggested I could ring the midwife on Tues and speak to her about fitting me in.

When I rang, the midwife said she was only the relief midwife and couldn't book apts! It is getting ridiculous now!!! I'm going to try again tomorrow! I am just over 7 weeks now...
I must be really lucky, as they hold ante natals at my Doctors, so when I went there last Friday for my hay fever, I got my first booking for this Friday, although I have put it back to next Friday so OH can come too.

My appointments will be between my Doctors and the hospital - none will be at home til later on as I understand it at the moment, but I will find out more on the 7th July.

Kellie80 keep making a nuisance of yourself, it is amazing what people CAN do when you keep on and on and they know there is only one way to stop you being a pain!

Good Luck xx
Well i'm just gonna sort it myself! I have to go to clinic on Friday anyway to get baby milk so I'll grab a midwife while i'm there. Theres usually one hanging around.
My partner wasn't sure whether he should come along to my first appointment. I said I wasn't sure if it was necessary as I don't really know what is involved. Anybody?
Well I can't really remember from little'un, but My Doctor told me (I will be seeing her for my ante natals) that she will go thru everything, when last AF was, a possible dating scan talk if needed, talk about possible things I will be facing, how important diet and avoiding somethings are, when you have scans and why, what things will be talked about at a later date, i.e birth plans, meet and know about the team that will be looking after us and anything that we should contact the surgery for if we need to...........oh and all your family history too. As well as our chance to ask questions.

I think that's about it?!
Finally got my appointment through this mornig for the 7th of July when i will be around 11 and a half weeks. Don't think i'm gonna be getting my scan on time somehow.
good question mermaid do we take OHs to first appointment? :think:

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