I think the only reason I conceived was because I went on Holiday. Was the first time I had really really let my hair down and relaxed. Good luck x
Hey hope your keeping well...I see your having a boy! Congrats. Yeah we wont be going on holiday for 7 months. I have kinda accepted we arent having children. 8 months of trying..DH sperm is all normal and my hornones all normal....we are both just fed up now and want answers to why it's not happening. Longest 8 months I have ever been through...and the thought of tbe even longer road ahead makes me so sad. I am in 2ww and due af 31st so waitong till she arrives so I can phone and ask for more tests, maybe a scan of my ovaries amd check my tubes.
I know exactly how you feel. It took me 18 months to conceive our first child. No problems, I finally went to get some help from the GP in September 2014 who told me to come back when my period started. I never went back because I fell pregnant that month! We were so happy when we found out! I'm a big believer of things happening for a reason. Sometimes it just takes some of us a little longer than we'd wish. Fingers crossed that it happens for you soon.
For me, I'd book that holiday. My husband and I went to Vegas in July with our friends who found out they were pregnant in April. They never expected to get pregnant so fast but we still had an amazing time together. We're going to Dubai in April next year to see family, I'm hoping that I'll be pregnant by then, but don't want to miss out on seeing them in case I am.
Enjoy your life as you never know when it may happen and as someone else has said the relaxation and enjoyment may help xxx