Booking appointment left me feeling alone


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
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I had my first appointment with the midwife today. She came to the house and chatted about various things. She asked me if i have family close but unfortunately my family are all about 4 hours away. She told me that would make it hard for me as I might feel alone and isolated. I know it's a shame that i don't have family close by but I know they'll come and visit often. She has left me feeling a bit worried but surely there are lots of first time mums who don't have families living close to them?
well when i had my 2 i lived a while away from my family and i was a single parent so basicly i was alone however i really enjoyed it and didn't feel isolated as such, i would ignore your mw you'll be fine you have us anyway :dance: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Don't get upset about what she said. Everyone is is different and to be honest it'll be nice just to get to know your new baby body without anyone else fussing over you!

You've always got us if you get lonely at all :) :hug:
Ive never had family close by and lived over 100 miles from my parents when my baby was born but they came over every few weeks to see us when she was little. I didn't feel isolated I made a point of speaking to other new mums at ante natal and baby clinics and made lots of friends and we all supported each other.
I'm sure everything wil be fine and when the time comes there will be lots of ppl happy to support you in your new role as a mummy, everyone on here included ! :hug:
I shouldnt worry hun youll be fine, my family dont live close either, Ohs do but its not the same, but so far i dnt mind, or feel isolated, thats what PFs for and mums n tots, baby swimming, mum n tots at the cinema ( woooo !! ) etc etc, lots of things to do and places to meet mummies !

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Its what you make it hunny!!! Like others have said, you will only be lonely and isolated if you let yourself become that way. I wouldnt listen to will be fine, you sound positive so thats the main thing! :D
you're on the same lump of rock as me!!!! i cant believe it !!
claire_louise said:
you're on the same lump of rock as me!!!! i cant believe it !!

Really? That's cool.

Thank you for your messages. I was a bit down after my midwife appointment but feel much better now. I have my husband here and my dogs anyway! And now you guys too!

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