Boobs - supply and demand


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Situation as it stands atm

Galen is a feeding monster. On average from when he wakes around 6-7am till he goes to bed between 8-9pm he feeds on average every 90 minutes to 2 hours. Often he'll drain one boob and then I swap him over. If he has gone longer than 2 hours he'll often empty the other boob also. If not usually a few minutes fills him up. If he has a longer sleep in the day of course he doesn't feed then. Once he goes to bed at night he'll sleep well but often still wakes once or twice a night at least before waking at 6-7am. He'll feed every time he wakes in the night.

He is also *really* active so needs more energy. A little livewire :D

My problem is that I am finding it a struggle to have enough time in between feeds for my boobs to refill so to speak. Especially later in the afternoon/early evening when supply is at its lowest anyways. I am considering giving Galen a formula feed early evening to allow my boobs time to refill properly. Atm they are not fully filled back up and so he empties them both and still wants more. I still have some there, but it comes out only in one single stream and simply requires so much effort and time that he gets really frustrated and it does not fill him up quickly enough.

Because of my incontinence problem if I go out for any length of time I tend to avoid having anything to drink at least 4 hours before and won't drink anything till I get back. Not good when needing to drink fluids to produce milk. But it means I can at least get out and about and have a bit of normality. But its far from ideal and I don't like doing this. If I drink normally and go out its somewhat crap to say the least :wall:

At home if not going out during the day I drink normally. I also drink overnight every time I wake up.

Please don't tell me that letting him feed whenever will increase my supply. He is already doing this. He only feeds for as long as he needs to now usually. It can last anything from 15 minutes to an hour. He'll only comfort suck when sleepy or tired. I do know the difference between his actual feeding and comfort sucking. I just simply don't have time for my boobs to recover and fill up well before the next feed.

Any suggestions gratefully taken. If nothing else works I am seriously considering introducing a formula feed (if he'll take it) around 6pm ish just to give my boobs time to catch up. I don't plan on giving any at any other time and really would rather not resort to a regular formula feed unless I really cannot get my milk supply to bounce back.
Hungry boy!

I've read oatmeal and fenugreek boost supply, could they help your boobs fill up quicker?

Hope you find a solution :hug:
:hug: :hug: you do have a hungry little man.

I think by adding a formula feed may not help with your milk supply situation in that if you offer a bottle of formula instead of a breastfeed that your body will then produce less milk due to it not being demanded.

Have a look at this from

There is always milk there for LO its just that he will have to work hard for it. Calleigh really gets frustrated at the boob when she has emptied me. I just keep swapping sides until she is full which can take quite a while.

Oh and i have also started to eat oats at breakfast as they are supposed to help with milk supply :)
Yer fenugreek and oats can help increase your supply and I find over drinking does to... Where I'm working some days its just so busy, I don't get time to pee so I don't drink much so my supply drops in the afternoon... I know its does a lot too because I express and can physically see the change.

The thing is lil miss was and still is a greedy guzzler... she will feed for about 30 minutes but at galen's age before solids she'd easily feed every hour... feed for half and hour.. have half an hour nap/play before demanding more boob.. :roll: Sometimes more than 16 times a day... Now shes on solids shes still feeding up to 8 times a day and she still wakes at night to feed.. not to comfort suck. But I didn't introduce any formula because she was doing well on my boob juice alone even though there didn't appear to be any in my boobs at night or in the evening. I even took fenugreek and oats to see if it helped and it didn't much...mind I did find the pill helped increase my supply.. :think:

Tbh I'd only introduce formula if you are struggling to feed hes screaming for food even after feeding, he's not gaining weight etc... Otherwise your boobs are doing their job just fine... :)
unless you are seriously dehydrated the amount you drink has no effect on your milk supply so I wouldn't worry about not drinking after a certain time. Unfortunelty like Charlie says, your milk supply after a while slows down and he will have to work harder for his milk, your boob never empties just slows. Babies are very lazy so get frustrated if the milk is not there fast enough. But though the milk is slower in the evening, the fat content is higher so he will be getting all the calories he needs. Galen is also at prime growth spurt stage so will be fussing for the boob lots. TBH it does sound like normal breastfed baby behaviour which I guess is of no consolation. Adding formula will not really help, it will just tell your body less milk is needed.

this is a good link clicky
I'm going through a similar stage with Sprog at the moment, and I'm starting to take some Fenugreek today, so I'll let you know how it goes.
Just a thought....

It might get a little easier coming into autumn - I would presume as it gets cooler he'll want/need less fluid so milk will become richer (that's what MW's told me), you'll use less fluid as well. I realise taking on enough fluids can be part of the problem so I wondrer whether you're going through the worst of it being summer?
Sory I can't help much about how to produce more milk.
I did have the same problem with Emms at the same age as Galen - have you tried expressing in the morning and giving it in the evening? I am just starting to give a formula feed in the evening now. Dont feel guilty if you want to try it - you have done really well to get to 3 months. :hug: :hug:
oats, fenugreek (as already mentioned) and also fennel tea & blackthorn juice are good for boosting supply hon.

it's tough going - FWIW i think you're doing a brilliant job :hug: :hug: :hug:
I found that the fenugreek worked it did increase my breast milk :D :D
I was struggling to make enough in the afternoons i also drank more whole orange juice and had a drink of water next to me every feed. Collier would get very upset at my supply level and cry for more food, i started doing the above and for 6 weeks ive been making enough and Colliers much happier :dance:
I have been having problems with low milk supply and due to LOs dehydration and weight loss I had to start supplementing. It was a hard decision but I had to do it as it was clear that Eleanor was suffering. I was advised that nappy filling is the best measure of whether LO is getting enough...8-10 wet nappies per day is expected and perhaps a couple of dirty nappies...but breast milk is broken down thoroughly and you may not actually see many dirty nappies. Eleanor barely wet 2 a day at the worst point. When I started supplementing at day 10 she had up to 12oz/24hr of formula. Anyhow, I have persevered with BFing and now supplement with 4-5oz/24hr. Eleanor binge feeds twice a day and can be at the breast constantly for 3-4hrs at this is swapped several times back and forth between breasts. Eventually I give formula (after 4hr feeding) as it's obvious she's still hungry and not getting anything from me. Even if she has formula, she needs to go back on the breast immediately after. Even a quick feed when she's not binge feeding lasts 1.5-2 hr. There may be an element of comfort sucking but I'm not sure how to tell or what to do about it if she is. Anyhow, didn't mean to go on about my situation other than to say I know how you feel in that I couldn't have Eleanor at my breast more and I feel that they are constantly being stimulated so giving formula is my only option at the moment. However, I have been taking 'More Milk Plus' for the past few days and my milk supply is starting to improve. I can now express double the amount that I could a before taking it and I now leak milk which I never did before. I pasted the link below. ... k-plus.htm

Hope you get things sorted...I cried a lot when I first gave formula but now I see that it would have been neglectful of me not to give it when Eleanor was getting so weak.
Thanks Bubalu :)

Its not so much he is not getting enough as he is gaining well (16lb plus already) more that he feeds so often my boobs just never seem to have time to refill properly so some feeds he takes ages as its down to a very slow flow. Because of my health problems I don't really want to keep having to sit for ages every 90 mins -2 hours for him to feed. When they are full or fullish he feeds within about 20 minutes which is great for both of us :)

I've not given him forumla yet. Am seeing how we go. I've added the oatmeal to my diet and will get some Fenugreek this weekend. I just need for them to refill quicker to keep up with him :wall: :roll: :lol: He's due a growth spurt soon also which will be fun :doh: :shock:

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