Boobs NOT sore!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2006
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Hi everyone, when i was pregnant with my first the sign of pregnancy was really sore boobs. However this time round i have no sore boobs, nothing!

Don't get me wrong i'm not complaining but i was just wondering who else hasn't been sore.

Do you think it could do with me breastfeeding my LO?
Hiya hun, mine havent really been sore to be honest so far although ive had a few days where they have been pretty painful but other than they have been ok. My nipples are slightly sore most of the time but not really that bad. Hope that helps! :)
Hello, I am 5 weeks and in the last few days my breasts have become really sore! The worst bit is at night, tomorrow I'm buying a sports bra for nighttime! I hear breastfeeding is really painful! Scared!
When i was having Taylor i never had sore boobs, i never leaked or anything until i had him. I didnt have morning sickness or anything i only knew i was pg bcos of my bump :cheer: ur body will react differently its a funny temple! :D
I am still breastfeeding and I have found that my boobs are nowhere near as sore as they were first pregnancy. I couldn't have anyhting touch them yet whilst a little tender, this time there is nothing. It could have something to do with the feeding, after all usually its your boobs getting ready for milk production but if they are already doing that??????
my nips are a bit ore sensetive then usual but boobs arent really sore yet !
Thanks, i've known that everybody reacts differently but it's always reassuring hearing it from other people.
Mine have only been intermittently achy with my nips stinging on the odd occasion. (In fact, and this may be TMI, I ignored it the first time it happened, before I knew I was pregnant, as the previous month they had somehow got windchapped through my blouse and been really painful. Note to self, when it's really windy and you have a only a thinnish blouse, however dark the colour, wear a bra.).

I was a bit worried about this at first, as they also didn't appear to be growing, but I've gone up a band size so far (and possibly more although I haven't measured them for a fortnight.)

I don't think my sister's were with either of her pregnancies, if I recall correctly. Nor do I remember my friend mentioning it with hers and we're close friends so she probably would have if she had.
Ooooh, mine are sore but only at the end of the day when I take my bra off and in the morning when I get up!

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