bonding with the loo


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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i know this may seem like a really stupid question, but expect those from me as i know nothing about pregnancy despite having 10 godchildrden

why do i constantly feel like im bursting to go to the loo....i run like a maniac to get to it....and when i do...its just a tiny bit (hope im not being too crass). i just need to know.
lols i became very close friends with my toilet as soon as i got pregnant and still spend half my day there just one of the joys of pregnancy
I'm getting the same problem, but I cant tell if it's a preg symptom (waiting to test again on the 28th after faint lines) or if it's a infection or muscle problems or what it is!
:rotfl:ha bonding with the loo!

It's apparently because of the uterus growing and as it grows it presses down on your bladder. You wouldn't think it would start so early as Uterus can't be that big to start with , but yup it does!
phew.....i really thought i was going crazy. find myself getting into bed, getting nice and cosey then have to sprint to the loo. i used to have a tight bond with my fridge but it seems the loo is my only friend right now lol
thank you SOOOOO much. felt stupid for asking but i couldnt ask my friends, they would look at me like i fell out of the sky. lol
heulyn, i hope that you get that BFP!!!!! fingers, toes and hair crossed for ya
Ah me and the loo are such good friends, lol.
lmao. its a beautiful thing. i spend more time in the loo than in the kitchen. actually contemplating on jus leaving my bladder in the loo n collecting it at bed time lol
Thanks LeaLea :D

I haven't stoppped peeing lately, but I'm sure it's an infection... I noticed this morning it smelt a bit funny [sorry, TMI!] and my back has been killing me. they're all signs of cystitis I think, so I'll get me to the docs... still have to wait til flippin Monday though!!
dont worry. im a regular victim of cystitis......drink loooooads and loads of water.
it may not be......fingers and toes crossed you get that BFP.....we could start a baby boom. yaaay.
sorry, i so need to grow up.
Thanks - the OH is convinced that cranberry is the way to go, but I don't really like it :oooo:

and I've got everything crossed for a bfp too!

Growing old is inevitable - growing up is optional! :lol:
a woman after my own heart....cranberry juice taste like crap!!! i just make ribeana really watery.....water tastes weird but i have no choice but to drink it.
when you testing?

"Growing old is inevitable - growing up is optional!"-aint that the truth.....i like i like lol thats goin on my fb lol
a woman after my own heart....cranberry juice taste like crap!!! i just make ribeana really watery.....water tastes weird but i have no choice but to drink it.
when you testing?

"Growing old is inevitable - growing up is optional!"-aint that the truth.....i like i like lol thats goin on my fb lol
dont have blackcurrent near bedtime hun blackcurrents niggle the bladder and make u wana pee more often lols i have 2litres a week of cranberry juice does keep things working well lols
I love drinking water, so I'll just sticl to that, and if it gets boring there's always good offers on flavoured water in Iceland :D

I'm testing on Monday 28th.

I feel so sick today :puke: I tell you what, if I'm not preggers, than I've got some kind of crazy disease!!
but cranberrys are mean. i drink plain water near bed time just weak ribeana during the day.
altho, i find myself actually enjoying water. find that disturbing in itself lol
i hope you are.
i thought i was suppose to feel nausated but all i wanna do is eat, sleep and pea.
ive gotta go now and will be bk on monday.....fingers crossed. BFP!!!! XXX
Thanks chick, I'll let you know on Monday :D

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