BLW questions again sorry!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Sorry i know theres a diary thread but i didnt wanna interupt it as i've not officially started yet (probably starting next weekend :D ) and my questions are pretty basic (ie. stupid!! :oops: )........

I really wanna keep it simple and am aiming for veg as the main thing to sart with, probably roasted and carrots/parsnips.

My question is, do i give the veg warm or cold?? Should i just let it cool down or is it Ok to give it when its completely cold??

Im gonna keep some extra back in the fridge so should this be warmed before giving it or do you just give it cold??

Also toast seems an easy option too but is it not too sharp/rough for a young baby??

Last question (i think!) is about drinks, we only wanna give water and hear tap water is ok from 6 months, however OH says we should give bottled water to start with as its safer/cleaner, do you agree this is ok?? I've bought a sippy cup to try it in.

Thanks in advance! :hug: xx
My question is, do i give the veg warm or cold?? Should i just let it cool down or is it Ok to give it when its completely cold??

we have always given Cally our food, so what we have but cooled down. She has it warm.

Im gonna keep some extra back in the fridge so should this be warmed before giving it or do you just give it cold??
Personal choice really. I give cold roasted veggies in a sald but normal veggies I always serve warm.

Also toast seems an easy option too but is it not too sharp/rough for a young baby??

they suck it so it does all claggy

Last question (i think!) is about drinks, we only wanna give water and hear tap water is ok from 6 months, however OH says we should give bottled water to start with as its safer/cleaner, do you agree this is ok?? I've bought a sippy cup to try it in.
Cally has recently started having a beaker of tap water with her meals. Bottled water is a no no as it contains high levels of minerals or something (can't remember exactly, just that its a no)

Thanks in advance! :hug: xx[/quote]
My question is, do i give the veg warm or cold?? Should i just let it cool down or is it Ok to give it when its completely cold??
Im gonna keep some extra back in the fridge so should this be warmed before giving it or do you just give it cold??

connor has his warm - i just leave them on the side after cooking, until they're luke-warm to touch. like beanie, he has cold stuff in salads - it doesn't really matter how it gets served, i just go with what's there - if i'm cooking veg, he gets warm veg; if he's having leftovers that don't need warming, then he has them cold

Also toast seems an easy option too but is it not too sharp/rough for a young baby??
as beanie says, it goes soggy so its easy to eat; i find that bread gets really cloggy and is far harder for them to chew than toast when they're younger.

Last question (i think!) is about drinks, we only wanna give water and hear tap water is ok from 6 months, however OH says we should give bottled water to start with as its safer/cleaner, do you agree this is ok?? I've bought a sippy cup to try it in.
connor's had tap water from 6 months. bottled water is ok as long as the sodium content is below 10 - but TBH i wouldn't bother :) :)

looking forward to seeing the pics!!
Thanks both of you! Im glad you said about the bottled water otherwise I wouldn't of known that! I'm gonna go with tap water i think then! Will definately post pics, cant wait to start :cheer: xx
My question is, do i give the veg warm or cold?? Should i just let it cool down or is it Ok to give it when its completely cold??

I give veggies warm. Often by the time they get eaten they are cold anyways.

Im gonna keep some extra back in the fridge so should this be warmed before giving it or do you just give it cold??

I always warm them up. I don't like cold veg from the fridge the next day and want Galen to eat it how we do, so always warm a bit. Same with any other food, if we eat it hot, Galen has his warm and cooled down.

Also toast seems an easy option too but is it not too sharp/rough for a young baby??

Toast is fine :) In fact better than bread in the beginning. I give brown bread mostly, with a bit of white here and there.

Last question (i think!) is about drinks, we only wanna give water and hear tap water is ok from 6 months, however OH says we should give bottled water to start with as its safer/cleaner, do you agree this is ok?? I've bought a sippy cup to try it in.

Tap water is fine. What the others said about bottled water. Plain tap water is fine for babies once 6 moths old. We tried a sippy cup (3 of them) but Galen wasn't fussed so we went over to him drinking out of one of our cups :) He does this just fine while we hold the cup for him. He then uses it to wash him fingers in :lol:

Thanks in advance! :hug: xx[/quote]
DD gets both warm and cold veg. Cold raw carrot is great to chew on when you're teething!
My question is, do i give the veg warm or cold?? I give Maia warm veg but usually because she has whatever we have so make it fresh there and then at tea time

Should i just let it cool down or is it Ok to give it when its completely cold?? I usually just let it cool down, serve Maias first then hubby blows it if needed before we give it to her

Im gonna keep some extra back in the fridge so should this be warmed before giving it or do you just give it cold?? Just which ever you would prefer, I think there are certain veg I would presonally prefer to eat warm like carrots, broccoli, swede but then there are some veg I dont mind cold like courgette, onion, peppers, so I would tend to give Maia food how I would prefer it

Also toast seems an easy option too but is it not too sharp/rough for a young baby?? Butter helps tro soften it and like others have said they suck it so it goes all wet and mushed

Last question (i think!) is about drinks, we only wanna give water and hear tap water is ok from 6 months, however OH says we should give bottled water to start with as its safer/cleaner, do you agree this is ok?? I've bought a sippy cup to try it in. I have no idea whether bottled water is ok to give or not but we always give tap water, we have a water filter too which makes a difference

Good luck, hope you enjoy it :D
Thanks again, im glad toast seems ok I was worried it wasnt for young ones but glad it is as its so easy!xx
glad you asked these questions as I was thinking the same whilst Reading through the blw thread. never heard about this before but will be doing this with sophie! I've been Reading online and certainly sounds more fun than shoving purée down them! sophie is already interested in our food at dinner time.
Miss.Monroe said:
glad you asked these questions as I was thinking the same whilst Reading through the blw thread. never heard about this before but will be doing this with sophie! I've been Reading online and certainly sounds more fun than shoving purée down them! sophie is already interested in our food at dinner time.

Oh cool, we'll be doing it at about the same time! :hug: Reggie seems really interested in our food too now, he reaches out to grab it! If you havent read the book on it by Gill Rapley i can reccomend it, its so useful for clarifying why BLW makes more sense :D xx

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