Bloody water???


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2009
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Yesturday i had a gush of water with some light blood in. I was so fightened. Luckily i have my doppler and could hear the heartbeat which reassured me. I rang the midwife and she said i could either ring GP, Go to A&E if it got worse or wait and see if it settled down. I also had the choice to go to EPAC the next morning - which i couldn't do as OH was working and i have 3 children! I decided that i would rest and see what happened. The bleeding stopped and i had no pain at any point. It was the water that had me concerned it almost felt as if my waters had gone. Today i have only had a little brown blood which i assume was ressidue from yesturday and have found the heartbeat three times (took me 20 mins second time - only ever takes me 3-4 mins at most - typical!) I am unsure what to do now as i feel fine and went to work today.
I have never bleed bafore or had any similar experiences during my other three pregnancies, so it was very frightening, luckily OH was on top of it all and very reassuring. Do you think it is worth having another scan, or should i be content with hearing the heartbeat. Really don't fancy EPAC as it is average 4 hours waiting and don't want to be poked and prodded just yet. Anyone else had a similar thing - ie the water? It deffo wasn't urine as it ws odourless.
It could just have been watery discharge, and if everything's back to normal now I'm sure it's nothing more than that but if you're still worried it might be worth getting another scan if you can x
I dont have any advice or experience with this but I hope you're ok :)
hope your ok ^^^^ it might have been water discharge but if you are worried you should get checked out and all bleeding should be reported during pregnancy x
Tbh I'd tend to want to get scanned just so the fluid level around the baby could be checked, especially when you had that little bit of blood at the same time. I am sure it is nothing but I'm guessing you're going to be worried until someone tells you everything is ok so I'd just go :hug:
^^^ yer thats true if it was water i think its 48hrs before infection can set in i hurd somewhere i didnt think of that when i was reading - lets hope its not waters ey! if it helps my back waters went with my two and i was left to continue with no problems prob best to get checked out tho like mamafy said
Personally I'd push for another scan or you're going to end up panicking at some point and possibly for nothing. Best to get some reassurance.

^^^ yer thats true if it was water i think its 48hrs before infection can set in i hurd somewhere i didnt think of that when i was reading - lets hope its not waters ey! if it helps my back waters went with my two and i was left to continue with no problems prob best to get checked out tho like mamafy said
May be a silly question but what are your back waters?
so glad you asked, I was just about to open google and research, but I just = bad!
haha you dont just have one layer of water around your baby you have sereral thats why some women have their waters poped but then they have to pop them again as there is some bag left thats why is is called bags of water lol the back water is like a protection but if it pops high up at the back which mine did it cam sometimes reseal itsself preventing infection ie back waters haha
i shall pm you a link or two and i dont know if that is allowed on the site x
New info to me too - you like a fount of all knowledge hehe

Nothing else has happened since so i'm hopping that things have settled
I thought that the hind waters was the water behind the baby's head - when I got to hospital my waters went again and they said the first lot was the water in front of the head and the second was the 'hind' waters. Ive not heard of having more than one amniotic sac, thats news to me! Ill have to read up!
Let me know what you find because i'm struggling to find any info - even on google!
yer hind waters are waters behind the babies head - the reason its less important is that if it is a high break it can re seal its self i had this with my two kids and had never hurd of it before i went to a&e. I sent tiny some links so if you ask her im sure she wouldnt mind messaging you x

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