Bloody sick of feeling sick


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Hi all.

Soooo sorry to have a moan! I'm 13w 2 days and thrilled to be pregnant after a miscarriage in June but I started being sick week 10 of pregnancy and it will NOT go away. I thought generally it was meant to ease up around week 12 but I seem to be more tired and have more nausea and sickness!

I work 40 hrs per week and have a 4 year old. I have a great DP who does so much without moaning but I so want to clean and tidy up myself but all i'm good for is bed as soon as I get home. After being up for half an hour in the morning i'm virtually sleeping with my eyes open!

On a positive note, had a scan last week @ 12w5d and saw our little sponge swimming, spinning and stretching! It was so lovely to see I could have watched it all day! After the miscarriage it was so encouraging and i'm a tiny bit less paranoid about it happening again.

Hope you are all having good pregnancies and not as moany and miserable as me!!! lol

xxxx Lex and sponge xxxx
:hugs: sorry your feeling so sick!

It'll all be worth it in the end and hopefully it'll let up soon for you! I heard that Ginger biscuits can help xx
sorry to hear your having bad sickness if it all gets too much tell your midwife hun xx Hope you get better real soon x
:wave: we have a similar name :)

I had the same issues with morning sickness and i hated every minute of it . . . i really dont know how you do it with a 4 year old as well. Mine lasted til 18 weeks unfortunately and it really was difficult! i dont know how you do it with a todler to look after too! its difficult enough trying to look after yourself! so i take my hat off to you for coping with it :) x
Thank you ladies. I was feeling so moany yesterday! It's the tiredness that makes me moan about being sick! lol. It was a whole lot easier the first time round I have to say when all I had to do was crawl into bed after work but I really feel like I need to spend as much time with him as possible. If I had my way would just puke and sleep for most of the day but knowing what's coming in 6 months makes it all worth it. When I had my miscarriage I would have killed for morning sickness, tiredness and all the other symptoms but had nothing so i'll try my best not to complain now!

Thanks again ladies

Ahh so pleased for your pregnancy after your MC, I also had one in March X

Great news on the scan - so exciting that stage

With the sickness I got mine till 20 weeks, but then it went, but also found that caffinee tea etc will make me feel more sick, once I dropped that it really helped me, so may be worth a try if you haven't switched to decaff already - hope it eases soon for you
Awww, thanks hun. Congrats to you too! I'm a bit of a head case and can't tolerate caffine of any kind anyway so have always done decaff or not at all.

Although, I must say, since posting this, I haven't been too bad in the way of sickness. It seems to have eased up a lot so fingers crossed it's on its way out!

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