I thought my water had gone and had been checked ( it was hind waters) and sent home about 12 hours later was bad period pains and blood so called the ward and I got sent in x
I had some blood on the pad (after my waters were gone) it was not more than a shy start of my period but I had a bit more later.
Calling the hospital they advice usually when you can't stand the pain or contractions every 3 min last about 1 min.
My contractions were from the very beginning lasting about 1 min every 3-4 min lol hence the horrible fast dilation at 10 cm..
Is anything happening ?????
Gradually for a week there was mucus plug coming away and in fairly certain it came out when I went for a pee after getting woken up by contractions, he arrived 22hrs later
You can try googling plug images, pretty minging but will give you an idea of what you might want to look out for x
I had mucus plug on the Friday evening - noticed some contractions in the early hours of Saturday. Bloody show was about 7am - checked at hospital 9.45 am and was 8cm!
Mine was like a medium period throughout labour x
Both times for me I had a show the day I went into labour , I only had a small bit of(sorry tmi) lightly blood streaked jelly when I wiped and started contracting a few hours later . Fingers crossed it won't be long x
I didn't have a show at all. First sign of anything happening was my fore waters breaking with a gush lol. they were pinky in coulour which I was told was my show happening at the same time
Your waters kind of come in two parts. When baby is far down, there are waters at the front of the end and then waters up high, at the feet area. For most people, the high up waters (hind) go first and as they have to work their way past the baby they generally trickle out.
Your forewaters go with a gush as they have the full force of the baby pushing against them.
What I never knew, is that even after ur waters break and ur in labour, ur body still produces more water. So all throughout ur labour u will leak a tiny bit with each contraction
Tmi time I lost white snot like plug 2 weeks before sweep. Aft sweep I lost my plug, it lasted until the birth and it was not like period blood for me. It was thick gloopy string (very thick, like gelatine so strong) and streaked with blood. I had so much I had to pull a lot of it out! It was wierd. When I was checked in hospital before beng taken to labour ward, midwife brought out so much even she laughed, I'm glad she did I felt like I was giving birth to some sort of alien!
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