BLOODY NITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but at joshuas nursery we had to sign a form stating that it was okay for the teachers to apply suncream, surely you should be able to sign a waiver stating that it was okay for nit nurses to check your kids hair.

surely it is more traumatic for a child to have the nits taken out of their hair rather than just having someone look through.
Thats exactly what i said, they should have a form for sunvream and nit inspections

and i am not being horrible but i think it should be policy that children are not allowed back to school un less they have been treated
yep definitely. if they issued a form for parents to sign re the nits, you would soon spot the culprits as their parents would refuse to sign.
only just read this, and i have only skimmed through so sorry if im repeating what someone else has said...

*puts hairdresser head on*

put a few drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo and conditioner, they hate it!
dont waste money buying all these nit lotions, they dont work, the bloody things are rebelling against them lol

Charlie is 8 and she hasnt had them for a couple of years now, i use tea tree and mint shampoo and conditioner, its 99p in my chemist.

then i get a really good leave in conditioner (normaly gliss) and coat her hair with that and leave it in, the nites cant get a good grip then coz the hair is to silky, so they slide off.

sorry i shouldnt be on this section but i seen this post and started scratching :lol:

Yous will all laugh and think im a minger ok but this was when i was 8 so please keep that in mind :lol:

Ok at school we had a nit nurse, who every wednesday took a group at a time into the first aid room to check our heads and if you had nits she would go to your parents home, yes they were at my house every wednesday :roll: because i had really long thick hair i could sit on, because my mother wouldnt take me to get it cut and they couldnt me arsed getting a nit comb and going through it all i had to suffer teh itching for about 6 months. I got fed up of it and at the age of 9 i cut all my hair off :shock: silly i know and i looked like a boy :lol: and i got my own nit comb anddone my own hair every night and morning and within 2 weeks i was nit free and never had them since.

They say nits only go to clean heads, but sorry i dont believe that because i was a wee blacko, because i was never taught any better untill i learned myself and i always had nits.

I know thisdoesnt help any but just thought i should share my embarrasing moment :oops:

oh thats aweful i got it a few times as a kid and my dad hated it lol hed go around shampooing everything in the house lol
Making me itch thinking about it,,,,,, i hate lazy parents
Ok they are back :wall:

gonna stop her playing out, :evil:

Layla do you have any tips to unstick the eggs/casings?
that is the bit i find the hardest

thanks in adveance hun
i havent found a comb yet that removes them, its so annoying!

the best thing i have found that works is getting them between your nails and slideing them out, takes a while depending on how many there is!

oo, not seen that before! looks good

have no idea if it works tho, if you get it, let me know :)

IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Just got it through post this morning had a quick dry comb through Ems hair and it grabbed every egg shell!!!!!!!!!!
It is honestly amazing i wish i had got one before.
yuo have so got to get one
Hi, has anyone noticed that its only certain hair types that get them? my eldest son alex has never had them, and chris has had them about 5 or six times since startin school last year, bein a boy i just shave his head, but it freaks me out and i get really itchy and paranoid n want to bleach everything in the house, i just cant understand why only one son gets them?

We know the culprits and everyone on our estate has called social services about the family and they have been visitied many times but still they're the same, makes me so angry!!
I found that dying your kids hair kills the bugs and eggs. I think its the amonia. I'm not recommending hair dye to little ones, but my daughter is age 12. She got nits last year and they jumped on to my head of hair, which is nearly down to my butt.

My daughter said she knew who had the nits at her school, because she could see the bugs crawling on her head and said it looked like she had snow in her hair, the eggs. Gross!

I tried the medicated shampoos and nit combs, but after too long I was scratching so bad I wanted to tear my scalp off!

Got my daughter a nice blonde colour hair dye and had to get 3 applications of dark hair dye for myself. It stung when I put it on, but burned the hell out of bugs to death!

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