bloody men

tell him if he goes to the pub tonight youll be locking the door when you put the kids to bed, so he can PISS OFF, or yeah good suggestion, tell him you dont mind him going out tonight, as your going out tomorrow !
I would have deadbolted the door :D That'd teach him :D
yep he was asleep until 2.15am then came upstairs woke me up to talk so i told him to sod off. He's going to his mams for a couple of days. Pissed me around too much so he can come back when i'm ready
:x :x :x

He woke you up - when you Harrison gets you up still - stupid man. Totally understand why your so pissed! Hope things get better and jump on msn - if you dont have my new one then msg me and e will rant!
:shock: Only just seen this Em hope you are OK :hug:
All men are tossers if you ask me i'm off them at the minute
:hug: :hug: :hug:

He's being an ass! Why do men think its as easy as walking away?

Hope you kick him into touch soon Emma :hug:
he's at his mams atm so I've got him in his place :rotfl: Might let him back tonight tho as I could do with arest from the nightly feeds
Im so glad you have put him where he belongs! Too many men think us women are soft idiots that hang on their every word!
Well he will think twice about p*ssing you about again any time soon!! :D
Babylicious said:
he just plays the "you are always picking on me routine" and "i do my share" which is crap cos he don't - well if you count picking paris up from school ???
i get that too- if he takes her for a few hours while i do some cleaning or something (yes, cleaning! not exactly just being lazy with the parenting watching tv and eating crisps) he'll say "ive had her all day!" (erm, day?! its only lunchtime, and unlike me up at 6am with baby u got up at 9!) and make out like he's doing me a huge favour and im leaving all the work to him- which im not, im doing housework! :wall: :lol:

(sorry to hijack ur thread ranting!)

did u enjoy ur break last nite? is he home now and is he redeeming himself?

:hug: :hug: :hug:
sorry hun onlu just seen this.

hope you ok, here to chat if you need :hug: :hug: :hug:
I can really sympathise - it's not football with my OH but his bloody computer, music, photography (the list goes on). I don't know what it is with men!!! The vast majority seem to expect that it is their right to do exactly what they like for most of the time (in my OH's case, whenever he's not working!!!). I struggle to get OH involved with the kids too; he only wants to when he wants to, and that affects the way they behave towards him too!!!

Really glad to hear you've put him in his place!! I think more of us should do just that!!!
:shock: my god i just cant belive this thread. :( i wish he was doing all the hard work that you are. why can he just walk away from you and his children when things get too tough. hope your feeling alright hun. xx :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: You dont need the stress right now - I hope he comes to his senses and supports you. I know how you feel in a small way, I ended up screaming at my OH to help me last night as I was at the end of my tether with having to do most things around the home while he sits on his arse and goes out with friends. :(

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