Blood types


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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What do people know about blood types? as my mum told me she had to have an injection when she was pregnant with me because her blood was ab rhesus negative and my dads is something postive.

I dont know what my blood type is and my mum cant remember either, but my dad seems to think that the injection that my mum had should cover me aswell, although i dont understand how?

Can anyone give me any information on this?

Thanks in advance
you will have to get the anti-D injection if you have a rhesus negative blood type, don't worry if you don't know your blood type as they will check it when you give blood samples to your midwife ( got mine about 12 weeks but you may get the blood samples taken earlier). the injection your mum got won't cover you and you'll get two injections in the 2nd and 3rd trimester (28 and 34 weeks) and also within 72 hours of giving birth. you may also have to get the anti-d injection if you have an amniocentisis,miscarraige or any significant bleeding during pregnancy which may cause the mother and babys blood to mix. :D
Thank you little red, i didnt think it would cover me also, my dad does come out with some drivel.

The Dr at the hospital did make me bleed yesterday when she was taking some swabs, that wouldnt cause any problems would it?

Although they did take blood from me as well so they should know what my blood type is, but they didnt tell me.

i dont think you would need it if the Dr just made you bleed a little, i think its if you bleed a lot like if you were in a car crash or something.
They will have to do some test on your blood first to find out what type it is, but if you are Rh neg then you should be issued a letter with a card type thing which states that your Rh neg. If you don't get told it will probably get put in your notes so you can always ask the Dr or midwife next time you see them. :)
no i dont think it will cover you iam rehusus negative my mum gave me my blood group and i have got to have anti d injections ,but yes you should get to know at your first midwife appointment as they should take a sample of blood
If your mum had to have the anti d that implies you are RH Positive, or she wouldn't have needed it. Which means you shouldn't need it.

I don't do needles and they were happy enough to work on that basis (the assumption of my blood type) with me. Though I haven't seen the consultant yet so we'll see..
Gnomentum said:
If your mum had to have the anti d that implies you are RH Positive, or she wouldn't have needed it. Which means you shouldn't need it.

I don't do needles and they were happy enough to work on that basis (the assumption of my blood type) with me. Though I haven't seen the consultant yet so we'll see..

That's not entilerly true, my mum was O neg and my dad was B+, so she had it when she was pregnant for me and my other sisters who turned out to be B+.

I am O neg also and I still needed it because OH is B+ and they have to be causious as they cant tell the babys blood group until the baby is born, the Anti d only last upto 8 weeks anyway.
Flame said:
The Dr at the hospital did make me bleed yesterday when she was taking some swabs, that wouldnt cause any problems would it?

No, only after the 12 weeks mark....I had a mc at 6 weeks last year and didn't need the injection, I didn't know then that I was rhesus neg - I checked with mw about it yesterday when we found out that I am, and she said the injection isn't required until after 12 weeks. Hope that puts your mind at rest babe :hug:
Thanks for all your replies ladies :D

Today i found out that i am rh negative and will probably need to have the injections.

I should have guessed really, everything has to be awkward with me :roll: lol
Hunny look don't worry about it, theres a few of us on here including me that are O neg too so if you have any questions please ask :hug:

Like I have said before, your rare, pure and you should be proud! Don't let it get you down its not the end of the world :D
Anti-D is for Mum's protection isn't it?

I don't think it matters what the blood-type of the baby is. If you are RH negative I think you just get it?
It's more for the baby actualy, If there is a bleed and the babys blood mixes with the mothers O neg blood the mothers body's anti d will attack the babys red blood cells( if its a positive blood group, but theres no way of knowing until baby is born) , which can kill the baby or the baby will be born a blue baby and need a blood transfusion, something along those lines anyway :D
I'm not worried about it at all, I'm laughing at myself if anything cause i just think i am awkward in everyway now,
Awkward when i was born and awkward when my baby is born. :)
Flame said:
I'm not worried about it at all, I'm laughing at myself if anything cause i just think i am awkward in everyway now,
Awkward when i was born and awkward when my baby is born. :)

I found out yesterday (i have a thread in 2nd tri)......I too was awkward when born (surprise appearance whilst mum on day trip - 6 weeks early!) and just had a feeling she was gonna say to me yesterday that I was rhesus neg.

You're in good company, theres plenty of girls (& lovely ones at that) on the forum who are special too :hug:

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