blood tests - weird!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
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Had a check up with the doctor yesterday and all is fine, baby in right position, right weight, size etc, anyway had to have last lot of routine blood tests and after the nurse had taken my blood normally she then said she had to do a test on my ear????? I didnt know what she was gonna do but she got a small scalpel and then nicked the skin behind my ear and then timed it to see how long it took to stop bleeding!!!!!!!!!! :shock: , this is to make sure my blood is clotting ok for when I actually give birth! well I spose this is cheaper then sending off to lab to do clotting tests on eh!!!! :think:
well seems that mine was ok. :cheer:
Glad to hear all is well with you and LO tuck :cheer: :hug:
Never heard of the ear nicking thing :shock: but lol at you saying it saves them money :rotfl:
Surely you'd already know if your blood didn't clot correctly :think: but then again if you've not cut yourself recently you wouldn't would you, though I didn't get this check at my 34wk appt, its strange how different practises do things so differently :think:
Very best wishes tuck :hug:
Hi Tuck! :wave:

I just sent you a message about your appointment. :) Glad to read it went well and everything is progressing normally.

I've not heard of the ear test either but it sounds quite a sensible, and quick, way of finding out your blood is clotting ok. Must be the "Greek" way of doing it. I've heard otherwise of it being a blood test but this would obviously take longer to arrange.

Did you have your appt at the doctors or the hospital? Have you been to the hospital where you'll deliver yet? Do they have such a thing as labour ward tours where you are? :)

:shock: How weird!

If my midwife comes anywhere near me with a scalpel I'll run a mile!
I didnt actually know what she was gonna do as dont speak enpough greek to undersatnd that and I must admit I was really surprised at it.

Sabrina: the appt was at the doctors and no there's no labour ward tours that I know of, to be honest I think if people had a tour of Corfu Hospital labour ward they'd never go there!!! :shock: certainly an eye opener.
havent been offered a tour of the private clinic, would probably have to pay for that as well!!!!! :roll: am just gonna go with the flow!!!!
:shock: eek! at least i'll be prepared if she comes near me with a blade... seeing MW later today!
tuck said:
Sabrina: the appt was at the doctors and no there's no labour ward tours that I know of, to be honest I think if people had a tour of Corfu Hospital labour ward they'd never go there!!! :shock: certainly an eye opener.
havent been offered a tour of the private clinic, would probably have to pay for that as well!!!!! :roll: am just gonna go with the flow!!!!

:lol: yes go with the flow Tuck, that's probably the best way, all things considered. I've seen some weird and wonderful hospitals in my time (as part of my job is auditing medical clinics) so I agree it might be best not to know, in advance, where you are going. :)

They used to do this in the uk years ago to test clotting but it is now done in the lab when they do your 28-32 week bloods they crossmatch group and save and test for clotting, i think its normal that they still perform these tests in other countries so dont worry, made me smile though bet ur face was like :shock:

wow never heard of that doesnt sound very nice :?

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