Blood Test Results


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 19:44 pm Post subject: Blood Test Results


Now, I haven't been online for a few days so I've got a lot of new threads to post lol

Right, I went to docs about something non-pregnancy related and at the end he said "Has your MW spoken to you about your results?" and I replied that she hadn't and that she said she'd only contact me if there was a problem... He then said "OK, well I'll get her to ring you" so of course I asked him to explain it because he'd worried me and he just said that my antibodies count was extremely low.

A) What does this mean?
B) My MW has buggered off on holiday and I can't get an appt til early April, should I call the docs Monday and ask them to go through it with me?

It's really worried me. I've decided not to google it because I once googled something when I had a sore throat and it came up with "Throat Cancer" :shock:

Im not sure.....I mean I really really arnt sure I googled it and all I tend to get is things related to having a negative blood type instead of positive....which means that they might have to give you some injections to make it higher I'm just guessing I could be completely
Not sure hun what it means but im sure its nothing serious :hug:
once i googled my blood result which stated that my white blood cells were a bit high it came out with Lukemia :rotfl:
though it isnt serious its normal to be high during pregnancy soo anything abnormal that happens while ur pregnant could possibly be pregnancy related so dont worry.
There are a number of possibles from what I understand. I don't know enough on any of them to really comment.

My advice would be

a) Don't panic. It does no good to stress about it.

b) If it were urgent I'd hope your GP would have explained it then and there. That they didn't makes me hope/think its not a dire emergency. So therefore don't panic!

c) Call the Doctors on Monday and ask for your GP to call you back at some point so you can ask them direct if they feel you need to come in and see them *now* re the test results or if it can wait till your MW appointment in April.

d) Please remember that often things are never as bad as you imagine. Our mind run riot with us and we are good at leaping to the worst conclusion when its usually far from being the case. So don't panic :hug:
Sherlock you're like the mummy of the forum you're gr8 at making us feel so much better...

Hon try NOT to worry, If have had your normal bloods (rubella, HIV, thalasemia etc) come back fine then im sure its nothing too bad...

:D Sherlock rules! Hahaha when I was replying I was thinking "Wheres Sherlock she knows eveeeerrrryyythink" Like a little booth of knowledge!

I'm assuming antibodies are the same as white blood cell count?????

Mine was higher than the normal range; there were a couple of others that were outside normal too - one was high and the other low which is why I think I came out with the higher risk of Downs!!! They do think the baby is fine though so I am not worried now!

I'd do what Sherlock suggested - give your doc a call, explain the situation and ask for a call-back, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about too much, pregnancy plays havoc with your body!!!

All the best :hug:
Are you tired? It could be your bloods are lower than 13 I think the number is, and your MW may be going to suggest iron supplements. Like others have said I wouldn't worry, just give the Doc's a ring and ask them, the receptionists usually know everything anyway, and if not you can get an appoitment for Monday and have a GP explain as you shouldn't be left worrying :hug: :hug: :hug:
Dannii jst found your post and i'm gona ask my mum in the morning for you as she'll be :sleep: now! She works in the blood clinic so should be able to answer this for you. I'll call her in the morning.
From what i know antibodies help with our immune system, so if they are low it means that you can pick up colds etc quicker than you normally would, by eating well and taking vitamins etc then they will increase as long as your body is not fighting a cold for example at the time.
Eat well, take your vitamins and look after yourself and i'm sure things will be fine on your next test.

But i'll still check with mum tomorrow!!!! :lol:
Thanks everyone!

And thank you Jollypops bless you! :hug: xx

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