Blood Test Results


Active Member
May 28, 2015
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Hi everyone, I had my booking appointment just over a week ago and they took my bloods etc. Ive just received a letter from my Dr surgery asking me to call for a "routine telephone consultation" about my results and am now utterly panicking! Is this something I should be worrying about? Does this mean there is something wrong? I am all of a flutter and dont know what to think :(

Has anyone had the same thing or problems with their results too?
Try not to worry. It could be absolutely anything. I received a letter in the post about my blood test results, telling me I was RhD Negative - the letter was so vague and sent me into such a panic, I'd have preferred a phone call!

They could be calling to say 'everything's OK, no worries'. Or they could have a result they'd like to discuss and explain to you. Either way, take advantage of being able to physically speak to them. Ask any questions that you have and remember their job is to help you and look after you.
Thanks :)

I called the surgery and they couldn't give me the results over the phone because I needed to speak to the DR about them, from what I understand they do not contact you at all if everything is fine. I feel like I have been really naive and didn't think about the possibly things were not fine and now I've gotten myself into a right state worrying xx
It could be something simple like you're anemic so try not to worry too much. Easier said than done I know. Are you having to go in or is the Dr ringing you back?
If it was anything serious you'd have to go into the surgery, not a telephone conversation. It's probably RhD negative/ anaemia. If you did a urine sample too it could be a uti. Telephone consults are normally because they are going to offer you a prescription of some sort such as antibiotics or iron tablets. Don't worry. It's fairly routine at my practice too
I'm sure everything is fine, if it were serious they'd ask you to make a face-to-face appointment.

Just on a side note though, if you ask for test results are they even allowed to say no? Isn't there something in the data protection act that says you're allowes access to any information held about you? So if you want those results, even if it's just a load of figures that you wouldn't understand without googling, you should be entitled to have them!
I'm sure everything is fine, if it were serious they'd ask you to make a face-to-face appointment.

Just on a side note though, if you ask for test results are they even allowed to say no? Isn't there something in the data protection act that says you're allowes access to any information held about you? So if you want those results, even if it's just a load of figures that you wouldn't understand without googling, you should be entitled to have them!

I think she meant the receptionist wouldn't give her them and she needed to speak to the doctor instead. I know receptionists at my surgery aren't allowed to give out results - probably because they have no idea what they're talking about and can't answer any questions.

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