Blood test and Downs results came through today


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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The Downs result came back as 1 in 33,000 which is great news and all bloods came back fine except for rubella - despite having the injection at 11 it came back as showing no immunity. Does anyone know what the implications of this are? I am a primary school teacher so am nervous about picking anything up at school that I am not immune to.
I cant really help i'm afriad but didn't want to read and run! Congrats on your downs results though - 1 in 33,000 is brilliant! :-)
I had the same thing too. I work with special needs children so was a little worried and saw my occupational health nurse. She said it was nothing to worry about. Rubella is very rare these days which is why some people lose immunity cos theres little/no exposure the immune system decides it doesnt need the immunity. I just had to ring before going onto childrens ward to check noone was in with suspected rubella. The real risk to your little one is in the first 12 weeks so you are actually past that danger.

We will be offered MMR after we give birth. :hug:
Thanks girls that has really set my mind at ease - now it's just a case of enjoying the pregnancy and trying to control my spending on baby bits!!
Great news on the downs results, think that was the one that I was most worried about. I know what you mean about the spending, had to call my oh to come to the shop to make me put some things back!
We refused the downs test but what a wonderful result babe!!! x Im immune to rubella but as everyone else said I don't think it's a problem if you're not x x
ive had the rubella jag 3 times and my bloods still came up immune to it, my dads the same, he can seem not hold on to it, not that he found out cause of pregnancy mind haha

all they said to me was they wouldnt give me it whilst i was pregnant but they will after ive had wee one just before im leaving the hospital. im wondering if there is any point as its never worked before.

if your really unsure about it tho ask your midwife about risks and such whilst working in primary school. they'll know alot better
great results. I only got my bloods took on tuesday for mine they said i had to be over 16wks is this a diffrent one you have had?
Yep, I had the combined test which needs to be done between 11 and 14 weeks.
ohhh i see we dont get this then cos i didnt get it offered to me everywhere diffrent isnt it.
Yep, there are a few different ways to be tested- it probably just depends on which PCT you are with.
great results for you hun im not having any downs testing but must be relief knowing it such a small chance xx
I am also not immune and a primary school teacher! In the last 12 months we have had chicken pox, measles, slapped cheek and swine flu in our school!! Just hope everyone stays healthy for the next 5 months!!

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