blood results


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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so i had my booking in appointment on monday girls and everything went really good :dance:
but i just got a phone call from GP saying my doctor is going to ring me tomorrow because she wants to talks to me about my results.

isnt that a bit strange- i told the receptionist that she got me worried now, but she said nothing to worry about!!!
with my daughter i just a letter through the post with my results ( which were 100% fine)could things of changed in 3 years???

how did you girls get your results back? xxxxxx
I got a letter through the other day about my blood results, saying my blood platelets were slightly low and that they want me to go in see the consultant in 4 weeks to test them again. It is worrying but i guess it's stuff they have to monitor. Maybe it's something like that that they want to talk to you about.
thanks citygirl, i really hope its something small. im going to go crazy waiting!!! i wish she just rang me tomorrow instead of telling me arrrgggghhhh
I reckon at times they can be quite insensitive by leaving people hanging like that, you'd think they'd be doing all they can to keep your blood pressure down lol.

I reckon you'll find it might be something to do with platelets or iron deficiency or something like that.
I had my booking in appointment on the 20th July and still havent had my blood test results.
thanks for replying girls. my doctors rang me about an hour ago and said i have anemia. she said normally your iron levels should be 11.5 but mine are 11.1. so i got to fill my stuff up with iron packed foods ( i thought i was being really good with my food) she said she doesn't want me taking iron tablets just yet, because they cause constipation ( like i need any more of that lol).
so hopefully i can get it sorted before bean gets any bigger and takes more from me xxx
I had my booking in appointment on the 20th July and still havent had my blood test results.

my midwife told me to contact my gp in 2-3 weeks hun, so your results are properly all fine and they will get in touch with you very soon xxx

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