Blood loss or M-c??


New Member
Nov 11, 2017
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Hi.. Dont know where to start but in need of some advice please. I am 7weeks 5days I had my 2nd ultrasound Thursday just gone where I got to see my babies heartbeat. But the sonographer also found a large bleed she said it would more than likely absorb into the pregnancy, or I could have some 'spotting' this morning I noticed blood when I went for a wee but this has got worse as the day has gone on with some clots im now having to wear a pad and terrified im loosing my baby. Not really sure what to do for the best I am booked in to have another scan in 2 weeks but 2 weeks is along time wondering whether I am still pregnant. My local hospital is very limited to scanning so I know they would not be able to offer me another one especially over the weekend. Any advice would be great. Thank you
If you have been told you could bleed then it sounds like it could just be that. Can you phone 101? When I called I went to a&e and got sent for a scan the following day. Or do you have a midwife yet you could call them?
Thanks for replying sadly I have been in hospital all day and I lost our baby earlier today
Just seen your post. Im really sorry to hear youve had a mc. Its truly devasting when it happens. Look after yourself x
I'm sorry. There's no words is there. I hope you can take some comfort just knowing I, and some of the other girls have been there and we know...

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