Blood in sick...


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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0 this normal. The mast breast feed I did was at around 3am, to which I noticed after applying my cream that my nipple had bled a bit (White bra had a stain). Roll on 6am and a formula feed, Evie has been sick and the first lot was quite brown, and the second bit of sick had abound tinge to it and then I was wiping away a bit of mucus with a red dot in.

Is this normal...should I call the midwife? Obviously quite concerned, but also don't want to overact I it's normal, or just from my boob etc.
If your nipple is bleeding then it's almost certainly from that-G got this when I was bleeding early on. The other thing it could be from is if you have mastitis. It's probably nothing ESP if she seems fine herself and us feeding well but it would be worth a phone call to mw just to make sure.
Could you have mastitis? I'd call the midwife, as it can't be good for her to drink blood, can u feed off the other boob for a while? Xxx
I don't thunk it'd mastitis a my milk jut came in they are pretty sore because o this. Te bleeding appears to be from cracked nipples..or from my nipples getting stuck to my bra and me having to peel them off!

I did some research and it does say that babes can swallow blood and it stay in their stomach for up to 6 hours. Plus it says the effort to be sick can cause little vessels to pop and therefore baby can puke up blood (tiny bit mind)z says to keep an eye on it.x
i had this with alex and it went as quickly as it came x
I was just going to say that if baby strained a little when being sick this can cause the blood vessels to bleed a little. I would say it is probably that rather than blood from your nipple.

I know as an adult I took myself to A&e once a there was blood in my sick. It was just from my throat being strained and I must of burst a blood vessel. If it was bright red fresh blood then that's probably what it is. I would just keep an eye on it just in case xx
If it's from your nipple it won't do her any harm at all. Sore cracked and bleeding nipples are awful though, took me almost 2 weeks for them to harden up and become used to the feeding.

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