Bloke's minds


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2005
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A little poll (only it didn't seem to work so have to do without voting buttons!)

Ok, I am wondering how you feel about your OHs - do you

1)think you know everything about them, how they think and feel confident they are the same person with you as they are when they're with their mates/people of opposite sex.

2)think you know everything about them but think they are probably a different person with their mates/people of opp sex

3)It's impossible to know everything about anyone!

My sister is going through a bit of a rough patch with her OH, I am trying not to give her biased advice so wondered what you all think?


Mines deffinatly a number 1 hes a freak around me and his mates lol :lol:
My partner is the sort of person who's a " this is me, like it or lump it cuz im a joker" and hes like that around everyone even his parents x
I dunno its probably mainly a number 1, but when hes with his mates I know hes different. I know how he works and what hes up to. I can tell when he lies, so he doesnt bother doing it anymore. I know when hes got something planned. I think you have to learn how your OH works, im a very suspicious person when it comes to my OH. But thats only because I know him lol
Yeah same kinda a views as violet glow, aye mainly one but the longer were 2gether the more i now about him he used to be very deep, but ive managed to chip away at him, if he tries to tell a lie hes caught out right away, hes a gemini so had to different personalities lets just say im never bored XKelX :D
I choose...

1)think you know everything about them, how they think and feel confident they are the same person with you as they are when they're with their mates/people of opposite sex.


[2)think you know everything about them but think they are probably a different person with their mates/people of opp sex

I know loads about my g/f especially things from the past, things that have effected her life a lot... She can tell me anything and i can with her...

We say were each others best mate.. but of course she probably says that to her girly mates aswell !!

But i think we are each others best mate in different ways than with her girlies...

I like to think im just as important as her friends even though they have been around for a lot longer than me :)

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