Blocked Tear Duct Operation

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Hi, Harry has had a blocked tear duct for 3 or 4 months which has resukted in sticky eye, we have been to the doctors endless times and had drops and swabs taken to no avail. We have now been told by 6 months if it isnt gone he will be referred to alder hay to have an operation to unblock the duct. Has anyones little ones had this done and what does it entail. Thanks :)
This is a very common thing in babys. An op is not usually done before babies are a year old we were told as it often sorts itself out by then. Its a simple procedure from what our Doc was telling us. Galen had the same problem till about 8 weeks ago. Then one day it cleared up and he's not had any problems since. I"m sure given time your LOs problem will ease.

Its worth massaging the tear duct a few times a day, esp when it oozes anything icky and also bathing it often in cooled boiled water with cotton wool. Also squeezing breast milk on the eye helps soothe it.

Galen had conjunctivitus 3 times because of the duct being blocked and sticky eye. You'd never know it to look at him now he had had so many problems with it.
We had the same thing. It was so bad he couldn't open his eyes on some days. It finally cleared up on its own when he was 6 months.
Hi First Baby White,

My LO had a blocked tear duct and I was told it could take up to a year to unblock. I brought him to a reflexologist who told me to massage all five toe pads and down the outside of the big toe, and within two days it was gone...! Worth a try, just do it yourself, and see what happnes.

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