blinking sellers on ebay, buyers beware!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
6th may i purchased something, emailed to say how i would pay etc, 7th of may recieved a payment reminder.. 9 th may sent payment out expecting goods to be dispatched within a reasonable time frame.. i wait i wait and nothing turns up, so i contact this guy several times who doesnt respond to my messages..

16th may i find hes opened a non paid item dispute, so i reply to that saying i sent payment etc, postal order with all details they need, they close the dispute within 2 hours of me replying.. very strange, i then get a message asking me to contact them, so i did, to be told payment hadnt been recieved after all and what was i going to do about it, seems strange they close the dispute before contacting me so i knew something fishy was going on..

i wait until the 18th may and open a non recieved item because i knew they had had payment, was told by them they would investigate further and get back to me, yesterday was informed by telephone no they couldnt see the payment so was i willing to send another one, it was for £54.05 so there wasnt a chance as i dont have that kind of money again, well blow me, i get a voicemail today to say yes payment had been recieved and i should get the goods by thursday,
The thing is i dont even need this anymore, i bought the welder to do some work and my husband has paid some guy to do it now, so because of all the messing around am i entilted to ask for a refund instead..

I honestly felt like if i didnt preservea (sp) i would have been ripped off and because i sent postal order there was nothing that can be done about it, or so they thought..

Just rung them and asked for a refund instead and they say the goods have been sent out :wall: but will try and recall them back..

so glad i pushed cos i was right.. and i will get my money back!
there was a seller on ebay who my fiance's mum bought a mobile phone from, it ended a few days before bank holiday last month, my DF's mum won the auction (it was only about £20) and paid for it straight away through paypal. anyway, a week later the mobile still hasnt turned up (his mum gave it a few days as it was a bank holiday) she asked the seller where it was and he said he had sent it but had come back :roll: so would be sending it agian - another week later, still no phone, so she emailed him again to which he replied that he was sending it out ( :wall: ) another week went by and it still had not been sent/delivered so she got in touch with Pay Pal who started an investigation - it was only after about 3-4 weeks did the phone arrive but guess what??? he had taken the ariel out so it could not be used (no signal) and had GLUED the sim card in so she could not put her own sim card in - what a d*ckhead!!!!!

anyway she was fuming - obviously, and contacted another member who had bought something from him in February - and she had STILL not received the item even though she offered to pick it up as she lived close by.

i cannot understand how these people get away with it!!!!!

I never trade with anyone on ebay unless they have 100% positive feedback and atleast 20 comments. Its the only way to know really!

weve got a foosball table coming in a few days for our conservatory/games room - cant wait! Only £50 including courier!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
glitzyglamgirl said:
I never trade with anyone on ebay unless they have 100% positive feedback and atleast 20 comments. Its the only way to know really!
exactly what me and my mum do, i would never go with anyone who had less than about 98% positive feedback - obviously Danny's mum will do this next time lol
Report these people to Ebay, really gets on my jubblies that they do this. I bet they would be the first to complain if it happened to them :evil:

Last year I paid £100 for a Chloe handbag, paid for it straight away & waited and waited and waited some more. I sent her several emials, several of those she didn't reply to. It wasn't until I threatened her with legal action did she send me out the bag. Cheeky cow :twisted:
Buyers can be just as bad though

It is over 4 week now since someone bought a bundle of Jacks clothes from me
I tried to contact 3 times for payment and they only responded when i opened a dispute, told me why and i was sympathetic and said i would close it and we agreed to close without going ahead( so i could get final fee back)
So i closed it saying this then they rejected it telling Ebay they had continued with purchase, which they hadn't, have contacedthem since with no reply and Ebay can't do anything as the buyer rejected dispute closure terms
So I am out of pocket on the final fee etc....
Can't open new dispute or anything

Which reminds me i need to leave feedback :twisted:
glitzyglamgirl said:
I never trade with anyone on ebay unless they have 100% positive feedback and atleast 20 comments. Its the only way to know really!

this guy had 8000 positive and 99.8% so i thought it would be ok.. but looking back on his feedback he has 23 negatives, i can see though he has a good run of postives then a few bad ones, so i just ordered at the wrong time i think :wall:
Generally I do like ebay but some sellers are dreadful despite positive feedback etc. Likewise some buyers are dreadful too never sending payment or saying they have when they blooming well haven't etc. It's hard to know who you can and can't trust on there it really is, the feedback helps but it's not fool proof.
I had a very unlucky incident with ebay a few years back that made me look very bad, I sold a pair of new rocks and the day the buyer paid by paypal, paypal decided to close my account as my credit card had expired (I also had a debit card on there which was fine) and after many phonecalls to thier poxy USA call centre I never got my £70, after a few days I decided that as far as the buyer was concerned they had paid, it wasnt thier fault paypal screwed me over, so I sent the boots anyway. But.....they apparantly never arrived so I never got my money and they never got thier boots! :wall: :evil:

Just shows how easy it is for it to go wrong with the best intentions I suppose!
We were conned out of £50 for a computer part and ebay did absolutely SFA. I was appalled. They said we didnt pay, we proved via paypal we paid, item never sent, then when we complained they showed ebay someone who had signed for this item at an address TWENTY miles away, and ebay closed the dispute. Basically the company had used the signature for another delivery as proof we received the item. :evil:
I've started putting a note on my paypal stating that I will only leave feedback after I receive mine. Ive done my end of the deal so should get feedback first. Out of 10 sellers only 2 left me feedback so far. I think its so RUDE :evil:
I always leave feedback as soon as i get payment, it is only fair, i once waited 3 months for feedback for payment after i had left theirs!! :shock:
Oh I hate that, you buy something, pay and your all done, you end of the bargain kept etc and thus I think sellers should leave feedback to say you paid and so forth. They usually wait untill you leave "I got it thanks" type feedback so that if you leave a neutral/negative comment about their item/service etc they can leave you negative too...for what? Paying on time? That annoys me.
i hate ebay.
Once had a girl say "why isnt my item here? i paid an hour ago and only live 30miles away from you" HELLO IT WAS A BANK HOLIDAY! NUTTER!!! :wall:
adam sold something the other day and the chap lived across the road!! within 10 mins of him paying through paypal, adam had crossed the road and was standing on his door step with the item :D

i brought a coat once, from china... it never arived. We got a full refund and they also sent a coat in the post. a few weeks later the orginal coat turned up! :lol:
Just has to start an item not recieved dispute - my first ever. What's annoying me is that it's for 2 balls of wool - costing £4 for god's sake. So not a scam just a lazy seller. Contacted the seller daily for the last 3 days, paid a month ago where's my item? No response - and she has perfect feedback. :(
:oops: Some one bought some thing off me and paid saturday and i still havnt posted it. To be fair though she won it 3 weeks ago and i asked her to pay within 7days. She didnt contact me so i opend a dispute. She emailed me saying paypal was messing her about so i said it was fine but i was moving house so wont get online much. :shock: Hope she doesnt leave negative feedback.

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