Blinking Nurse


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Just went to see the nurse at my new surgery for 'booking in' appointment.

My blood pressure was up and there was trace protein in my wee again. We're seeing the consultant on Monday anyway (due to whopper baby) so she said to get him to check blood pressure and wee again then.

Then she said 'make sure you take it easy this weekend. If your blood pressure's up on Monday like it is today then he may insist on you staying in over Christmas!'

What a thing to say?! I could've cried on the spot.

So...guess what I'm doing this weekend now? Sod blooming all.
awww hunny :hug:

hope all is well on monday xx
Gosh thats a bit of a harsh thing to say hun :hug: :hug:

You might have a boring weekend but best to rest and be home for chrimbo!

Have a nice, chill out and put your feet up!
ohhh Lucy, this certainly hasn't been the smoothest of pregnancies - maybe the second one will go smoother :D . I hope all goes well one Monday and that you don't have to camp out in the hospital over crimbo!!!! Give us a call when your up to it hun :hug:
aww hun!!
i hope all goes well for you on monday!!!
how did it go lucy? hope it was a bit more positive than the last appointment. :pray:
I can't believe you remembered!
Bless you girls!!

All went well. Blood pressure up a bit but not up enough to worry. Wee had just trace protein. Have to go for a GTT at 8.30am tomorrow morning and have my blood pressure checked again Thursday. Also booked for another scan on 3/1 to check on size of baby again.

So...all good.

Also doctor confirmed I have SPD although a mild case compared to some on here so I'm lucky there too.

Thanks so much for remembering!
L xx
Ah that's good news hun, at least you'll be at home for Xmas! :hug:
Im glad that your hospital is taking the fact that your having a big baby seriously - mine said there was no point scanning me again to see if it was big as they couldn't do anything about it any way :cry: ( exact phrase - what would you like us to do shrink it!)

Good news about todays appointment!! :)
Lyndsey said:
Im glad that your hospital is taking the fact that your having a big baby seriously - mine said there was no point scanning me again to see if it was big as they couldn't do anything about it any way :cry: ( exact phrase - what would you like us to do shrink it!)

Good news about todays appointment!! :)

Your hozzie is scaring me more by the minute Lyns :shock:

In pleased it all went ok today Lucy xxx
Lyndsey said:
Im glad that your hospital is taking the fact that your having a big baby seriously - mine said there was no point scanning me again to see if it was big as they couldn't do anything about it any way :cry: ( exact phrase - what would you like us to do shrink it!)

Lyndsey, that's outrageous! Can't you push for a scan? You poor thing! Like I said before though, think nice soft cushioned baby with no sharp bones. Maybe we're lucky?!

L x
They won't do it.. I even cried today at the MW no one is listening to me!
And they wonder why I have blood pressure trouble!!!

If I wrote down everything that has happened to mein this pregnancy people wouldn't belive me and no one would get pregnant! lol

But I am sure it will be worth it!!!
Oh it will definitely be worth it and not long to go for you now!
Terrible that they've been so rubbish with you though - it really seems like pot-luck as to what sort of treatment you get doesn't it?
L x
Yeah i think thats the scary thing.. I have spoken to girls on here who got refered for physio and got induced at 38 weeks for pelvis pain and I have been off work since 28 weeks hardly being able to walk and have only just got an appointment for physio on my due date!!

Sorry for highkacking this post btw - not my intention at all!! :(
No - you're not hijacking! We're in this together!
You poor thing with the pelvis business. I've been in pain for the last couple of weeks and am finding it difficult walking but nowhere near as bad as it sounds like you have it.
Just keep focussing on the old light at the end of the tunnel!
Can't believe how tough this third tri is though. I know everyone said it would be but I think I was in denial!
glad it was all ok lucy good luck for your GTT tomorrow.
I have found the third tri the worst and thats saying something as I had mega bad morning sickness! lol Its the waiting part thats the most annoying!!

I want this baby out now I have had enough and I want my body back! lol

I wouldn't mind if someone said yes you have to be the size of a whale and be in pain until this day - then at least you could focus on that but not knowing when this LO will make an appearance is soooooooo frustrating!!

Never mind though - it will be worth it in the end!!!!!
Thank you Rusks. All went well this morning. Should get the results tomorrow.

Lyndsey - I completely agree. I feel like I sailed through first and second trimester but this one's been bloody hard work. I seem to have every symptom possible and none of them are nice.

I love this little baby but this pregnancy malarchy is testing my patience now!

L x

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