blackout blinds?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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when do the pesky clocks go forward? millie has started waking before 6.30am now, and iv noticed its bright daylight then already, i think thats why.

does anyone use them blackout blinds? are they good? how much are they i heard they are not cheap? maybe i should get some for her room, she's moving in soon and it faces northeast- it just gets the very first hour or 2 of the sunrise!
We use them for Grace's room and they are fab........ we got them from argos ... they do them in all different colours and sizes... I think ours are 4 ft and were about £19 or so... worth every penny though........ they are cersie pink and look just fab..... plus they keep the room really really dark...
I have just bought blackout linings for the curtains in our bedroom from Dunelm Mill- they just hang onto the curtain tape of your curtains. They were £20 but the window is massive- not sure what price smaller ones were?
Fiona said:
We use them for Grace's room and they are fab........ we got them from argos ... they do them in all different colours and sizes... I think ours are 4 ft and were about £19 or so... worth every penny though........ they are cersie pink and look just fab..... plus they keep the room really really dark...

Snap! Brilliant. Wouldn't be without them :D
I bought some blackout fabric from John Lewis and you just sew a header tape onto it and attach it to curtains. It does make the room a lot darker. I've found that our little boy still wakes up early but I think it is the morning chorus that wakes him up rather than the light. Give it a go though, I am sure it will help!
oh what a nice suprise i thought they were well more expensive! thats a bargain £20! thanx ladies
Just bought one from Dunlem mill last week for same reason - cost £14.

OH fitted it yesterday and Evie slept til 8.15 this morning (last week it was 6am ish) :cheer: :cheer:
That's a bargain - £20 for an extra couple of hours sleep - I'm sold! :D
I might have to get some of them then, not that my kids get up really early but would be nice anyway during the summer months when it gets really sunny in he morning. :D
mrs_tommo22 said:
I might have to get some of them then, not that my kids get up really early but would be nice anyway during the summer months when it gets really sunny in he morning. :D

go for it hun! definitely worth it!
we got blsckout curtain linings... seemed really good. arrived yesterday in the post so I started to put them on the curtains - then LO needed feeding so my sister in law offered to help ( she is only 18).

cue loud crash - she had tried to hang them as well, fell, (she is fine) and managed to pull the curtain rail and a large chunk of the wall out of the wall!!!

so now we have NO curtains in the bedroom..... wish I hadn't bothered! :wall:
I've just put ours up today. Had to opt for some bamboo Roman blackout blinds cos we have really long widows and nothing else would fit but they look really nice and block out the light totally :D

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