We're moving Poppy to her own room..


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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We've made the decision to move Poppy into her own room once christmas is out of the way. I don't want to :( But we're starting to disturb her when we go up to bed and she's started waking up when OH gets up for work in the mornings. She always sleeps much longer at weekends when he doesn't have to get up! So, for her sake, we're going to move her over. I know loads of people with babies around Poppy's age have already done this, but it just feels like such a huge step for me! I love waking up knowing she's right there in the room with us. I'm going to miss her adorable sleeping sounds! :( don't know why but it feels like SUCH a huge step for me!

When you first moved your baby over, were they ok? Did they settle ok in their new rooms? I don't want her to wake up and be scared because we're not there. I'm pretty sure she will be fine but I feel really horrible about moving her :(
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Its totally normal to be upset, she was in your tummy for 9 months & this will be the furthest she'll be apart. We didn't move my 1st in til she was 6 m/o & tbh she got on brilliantly, we moved her from the baby crib to the big cot & we put her in naps in the cot to get her used to it for a few days before & first night she slept exact same as normal. It was really horrible for me at first, but we had no option, she had outgrown the crib & no space in our room for big cot so I just got on with it coz I knew there was no way around it. She'd always come in & snuggle for a while on days off which was nice. I did feel bad when I went in to get her in mornings & she'd be going crazy with excitement to see me, pour soul must've been dying for some company.

You get used to it - honestly - and you'll also be glad to get your bedroom back, you can dote about in your room at night again (i miss that)

btw - have you tried white noise. We have a fan in the very far corner of the bedroom that works brilliant, it drowns out all the creaks in the house enough that kayden doesn't hear them & drowns out his grunts & groans (he can be really noisy!)

I have to move Caitlin after Christmas too, Im dreading it :(
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I'm totally dreading Amber going to her own room too. She's getting too big for her Moses basket already but I can't bear the thought of her being in a room by herself all night, it breaks my heart! Me and my oh will prob end up in sleeping bags on her bedroom floor

We moved Caleb into his own room at 6 weeks because he'd outgrown his moses basket by then! He absolutely loves his cot! His moses basket mattress was way too thin and there were craters in it from his body sinking in so I can't imagine he was comfortable. He started being unsettled in his basket even for naps and could only really sleep on our bed, think the harder mattress was better for him.

He settled really well in there the first time, his mobile was above him for him to look at. He doesn't get disturbed by us going to bed now which is great and he sleeps an average of 7 hours in there, waking up much happier in the morning.

I did hate it at first, I won't lie! I wanted one of those video monitors so I could still see him, but I'm used to it now. And I must admit, it's lovely for OH and I to get some alone time! xx
We took her out of her moses basket at 8 weeks but her cot fits in our room. We're not disturbing her to the point where she wakes up at night, but she does tend to stir quite a bit when we go to bed. Occasionally she opens her eyes and smiles but then goes back to sleep. I just feel like we're disturbing her sleep a bit.


(Stranger I know, its been months since I got online!!)

I was thinking of putting Isabel into her own room in the next month. She's just about ready to burst out of the moses basket we have for her in the sitting room and the crib next to our bed won't last another month, two at tops, as she seems to be quite long.
I have her in her room to change her etc and she seems to love it in there, so I guess the next steps is to start putting her down for naps in her cot to start getting more and more used to it.
She's only 16 weeks at the moment, but everything's getting so small for her now she needs to go into her big bed xx
We were planning in putting Savannah in her own room next month. I'm a bit worried about it know though as when she wakes up she doesn't cry she just tends to roll about and at the moment she gets stuck when she's on her tummy and can't seem to get back onto her back very easily. Also I tend to have to get up a few times in the night to give her her dummy so she will go back of to sleep.

We have a baby monitor but I'm terrified I won't hear here as she usually sleeps in her cot right next to my bed.

Maybe were not quite ready for the move yet.

Good luck with yours though!

Thanks girls. I'm going to leave it a couple of weeks (mainly to sort out all the stuff in her room that we haven't got round to putting in the loft yet; like her moses basket and her carrycot etc) and then I'll move her over. I'll let you know how it goes :) x

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