BL**DY strechmarks


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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I'm so depressed today, my belly has a mottled purple tone to it. Is this the way stretchmarks start? I have been rubbing oils and creams in my belly at least 5x a day and I feel so upset. I know its probably my hormones playing up but I could cry, I'm so sick of being pregnant and fat. I really want my body back and to be able to wear nice clothes. I have another 10 weeks yet and I'm going to get much bigger and I'm not coping with it very well. I sell vintage clothes for a living and just feel I have a constant reminder of how fat and frumpy I am.

Can someone tell me if it sounds like stretchmarks are coming?
I dont know about the stretch marks coming hun. I have them everywhere except my bump lol. My boobs and arse look like a friggin raod map - its damn depressing.

Mind you my bump has turned a really weird brown colour - its all patchy and weird like bad fake tan.

Thanks for replying Mel :hug:

I feel a bit ashamed now :oops: Just took my dog for a walk and thought about how lucky I am to be pregnant and also to be having a relatively straight forward pregnancy so far. So many women would love to be in my position and I feel terrible for moaning. Sorry everyone, it really is the hormones :D
dont worry skatty just blame the hormones!!

thats why this forum is so good cos every now and then we all feel like shit hun

i use laods and loads of strech mark cream every day. do i think it will help do i heck but it makes me feel good about myself :hug:
Thanks Sophie, my skin isn't as purple now so I'm thinking it might have been the top I was wearing, my friend gave it to me. I do use loads of cream too so if I get them I should just face it that I did all I could to prevent it and it wasn't meant to be :)
i have been rubbin cocoa butter into my bump, bum and boobs for months at least twice a day and iv still got em!! :(
Aww Skatty, sorry that you are having one of those down days. From what I hear it makes no difference whether or not you smother yourself in cream 100 times a day or not, if you are going to get stretch marks you are gonna get them. I'm the same as Mel, got them on my boobs (which have grown from 34b to 38d :shock: ) and my bum, so just waiting for them to spread!! Have you got any bio oil? I bought some a while back as I caught chicken pox last year (at the grand old age of 29) and was left with bad scarring on my arms. I used it twice a day and clear as a bell now. Might be worth investing in??
I agree that's it's probably the type of skin you have that determines the stretch marks you're likely to get.

I'd heard Bio oil was good but it gave me a terrible rash! :(

Didn't know you traded vintage Skatty. I love all that stuff! Do you have a stall/shop or trade on the internet? I've made money on Ebay with the odd piece here and there but nothing serious. The clothes do tend to be TINY though eh?
Hi Dippy, I have a whole botle of bio oil and can't find it since we moved :?

I'm just having one of those ugly days because I'm going to a christening on Sunday and then a wedding next Friday. Ive actually just tried a dress on that I forgot about and it looks quite nice but is long sleeved so I'm hoping the cooler weather persists (how selfish is that? :lol: )

I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow so hopefully that will cheer me up :D

LittleMinx I used to have a shop and now I just supply to other shops and sell on ebay though I can be quite lazy with that bit! You can still see our website as we haven't got round to changing it yet, its .

Its funny people always say vintage tends to be tiny but I get loads of plus size stuff and particularly on ebay I find this has been a bit of a niche. It was handy in early pregnancy I had quite a few empire type dresses shortened to go over my jeans, some are a bit tight now but will be ideal when I've given birth.
Isn't it a shame how much we have to go through to get our LO's (although they are worth it!) and men just get the good bit making the baby :evil:
yep i second that skatty!!!!

cause ive got my stretch marks my other half massages my belly day and night lol
I'm covered with stretch marks on my tum too. I know it's really depressing and i hate them too.

Keep your chin up, they will fade eventually.
The boutique looks fab!? Shouldn't be hi-jacking a thread on stretch marks but am really interested :) Do you still find it easy to get stock now that everyone seems to be into it? Are Danish women big fans??

I hope you get a good rest at home, I bet the shop's your other baby, it'll be hard to stay away! :)
Hi LittleMinx I closed the shop! The rent was expensive and I found the Danes a bit reserved when it comes to clothes! I now sell to a few shops direct, mainly in Sweden. I have just moved but I also had a small warehouse where I had people shop by appointment, I would eventually like to build up to doing that again but now is not the right time. It seemed a waste of time sitting in a shop all day when I could make more money without rent. If times are quiet I just put stacks of stuff on ebay, in the run up to Xmas I can make £600+a week on that alone but its not usually that good! I opened the shop because I started off working in a bar over here and I realised if I wanted a job I'd have to make myself one! Its perfect though as I will be able to work from home when the DH is in and look after Leorah myself.
Awww Skatty hope you are feeling better.

I do agree with the others that if you are prone to stretch marks you will get them but I also believe that creams & oils do help.
Doesn't sound like stretch marks to me honey. Keep using your oils and I hope you feel better soon :hug:
Thanks Tina, good to have you back :hug:

I feel so much better today! I have had my hair cut and feel fabulous, today was another stretchmark free day, I'm going to take each day as it comes :lol:
if it will make you feel better..i think i officially have the worst stretch marks i've ever seen and now i've given birth my tummy looks like a saggy balloon..the stretch marks look revolting!! i posted a pic on the thread with hayleys bump me if you have a look you will feel soooo much better!!! i look like someones had a go at me with a can fact my mum even told me i look like a burns victim!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

i found the link.. ... c&start=30

this should help hunny! dont think i've seen worse ones than that..and i didnt get any at all till i was 37 weeks :( :evil:
Oh Fran, I'm so sorry I posted without thinking I could upset others! I'm sure you are looking lovely and you have your hansome boy to show for your stretchmarks which puts it all into perspective.

I'm sure bio oil will help as all the others have mentioned but the best bit is probably getting a cuddle of little Hayden :D
hun dont worry you didnt upset me...i remember feeling like that when i was pregnant and seeing other girls with lovely stretchmark free bumps made me feel even more down! i just thought it might make you feel better to know we all get stretchmarks! and your right cuddling hayden makes it all worthwhile!! i never looked good in a bikini anyway lol :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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