Bit worried now


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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After reading about Lozzi and all her symptom things i am a bit worried as i get a strange feeling in my "you know what :oops: " like its to heavy and all going to fall out quite often when i am standing up, been getting it for ages now. Plus i always get loads of discharge stuff, mainly when i have been to the loo (sorry tmi).

I'm worried now incase i have a pooy cervix and its not strong enough to hold him in :?

I keep getting moaned at by people for worrying and they keep telling me to enjoy my pregnancy, but its sooooo hard not to worry about something, especially when you have lost one before and hear about so many women losing their babies at all stages.
Try not to worry :hug: I have a lot of discharge too, have had it all the way through. I even have to wear a Panty liner everyday :oops:

The weighty feeling like Lozzi is probably just your body adjusting to the differences, don't forget baby is about 17cm now. I'm sure you're perfectly normal, why not ask your midwife at your next appointment to help put your mind at rest.

I know what you mean about the worrying, I worry as well and then when I don't have anything to worry about I worry even more!!

I cannot help with the heavy feeling, but I get quite a lot of discharge as well I think it is normal!

Hugs though :hug: :hug: they always help!
By the way the worrying is normal too :hug: I've had 2 miscarriages within the last 18 months so believe me I know.

I just take it one day at a time. I've even taken up knitting to keep me occupied :oops:

Do you get that feeling when the baby kicks? Because i do and sometimes i have to "clench" asif holding a wee cuz i think somethings gonna come out. Also ive had quite a bit of discharge from the start, these things happened with my daughters and i went full term with them xx :hug:
It happens all the time not just when he kicks. I have spoken to the midwife about it the last time i saw her and she said it is because things are getting bigger.

I have had some nasty muscle pain in my pelvic bone again today, the worst ones so far, they're fine when i sit down though.

Thanks for your replies.
Flame said:
I keep getting moaned at by people for worrying and they keep telling me to enjoy my pregnancy, but its sooooo hard not to worry about something, especially when you have lost one before and hear about so many women losing their babies at all stages.

I think its the down-side of being in the pg part of this forum in a way. We get to share in so much of others joy, but also the sad times when things go wrong.

And its more apparent than in normal day to day life, when you often just see friends and family have babies with no problems.

But I always think its best to know as much as you can about something, and if you are concerned then go and see a health professional.


Im sure all is fine hun, just try and relax and i know its hard not to worry :hug:

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