bit upset- sorry will be long!


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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i am 11weeks pregnant (have a scan next week)

i have a high risk job (vet)in that i work with xrays and anaesthetics and im the only person who can do them at branch- its me and nurses so im the only vet (but there are other branches)

our company has just had a take over. i initially told my old boss i was pregnant, and he reacted by not really doing anything which i expected- i dont like to be awkward but over the last 18months i have been suffering with severe work related depression involving me having time off and being on antidepressants (came off these well in advance of ttc), for this reason the only thing i said was that i would not work nights anymore. the reason being that night work we do in in addition to our day work and we do not get any extra time off for doing it and to be honest i do not feel i am up to it.

anyway, wen my old boss was on holiday i told my new bosses- as i felt they should know also.
they were adament there were things that i should not be doing and went thru the health and safety book with me (which i was pleased about). they said i couldnt do anaesthetics on the basis that we had no extractor fans and i would still be exposed to some and that it was out of the question for me to even be on the premises wen taking xrays. i was worried theyd move me to another surgery, but i felt that wasnt in my control. i said i didnt really mind doing operations and that i would leave the room for xrays etc but they said no.

anyway the last couple of weeks they have been sending another vet from another surgery to do any operations on the basis i get home a bit early each day for a rest (i work a split shift everyday of no set hours so getting home is good!) which has worked fine except now they are a bit short staffed

i had to go to the other practice today and the new boss said to me that i can operate and take xrays again now, or starting from next week so end of first trimester, but in the same breath said as long as your happy to take the risk. now i know the old boss was angry about what the new bosses said and i think they have been told i should be doing the same as everyone else.
i just feel so miffed. 2 weeks ago it was out of the question for me to operate now its ok, i know the first trimester is the main concern. also i felt id be happy to operate etc initially as it never occurred to me theyd consider me not doing so, but now that its all be done properly and theyd said i couldnt im a bit annoyed that its being left to me so if i say i wont im being awkward and if i say i will its at my own risk

i was the least stressed id been in ages and now i feel really stressed. the girls at work said i should discuss it with the midwife and shed probably say that we should continue as we have been with me doing less

its just really confused me, has anyone else had problems like this?
Awww have some of these first and foremost :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Now I am not up to speed on work and maternity laws, but you really should ask this over in the Working whilst pregnant section also as I am sure someone will be able to advise or you can read other threads and see what is said there

Afaik, they have to fill out health and safety paperwork and cannot expect you to do things that may harm you or baby during pregnancy. And they have to offer an alternative where you and baby are safe and away from possible risks. If they don't they are not complying with the law.

But whatever you do, make some phone calls to legal advice first (there are helplines and websites out there) get advice from them, know your rights and don't agree to anything your employer is asking until you have verified its fair and within the law. They can't sack you for being pregnant and have to find alternatives during your pregnancy.

This is the up to date info from the Gov, go have a read and hopefully it'll be of some use. It really does tell you what you need to know and if in doubt it tells you what to do and who to contact to help get things sorted.

The one thing that stands out in this Gov page is the following

Risk assessment

Your employer must carry out a risk assessment of your job to find any possible risks to you and your unborn child. These risks might be caused by:
lifting or carrying heavy loads
standing or sitting for long periods
exposure to toxic substances
long working hours

Your employer must then either remove the risk or remove you from being exposed to it (for example, by offering you suitable alternative work). If neither of these is possible, your employer should suspend you from work on full pay.

Good luck and don't let them bully you into anything. You have legal rights and its up to them to bloody well find a solution and not put you or baby at risk

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank u
gonna have a read tonight as back to work in a sec. feel like i just want to leave- but i know i cxant do that!
i dont wanna be a burden but i feel like theyre have an opinion which suits them,...thank u will look into it
I think I would discuss with MW and take her advice. also, if you can research what the risks are in terms of Xrays etc during pregnancy and present it to your boss, then if you do want to ask not to do them then at least you are backing your preference up rather than feeling that you are being awkward.

Good luck

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