Bit of advice please?x


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Hi everyone.
Found out i was pregnant in the middle of december, but i have no idea how far along i am as i came off the pill begining of november and never had a period between them dates.
I have a drs appt monday and have no idea what to say to her. ''Im pregnant...'' what will she do? seen as iv no idea about my dates and things?

Im sure she will ask me about abortions and stuff, i think i have pretty much ruled that out, and boyfriend has told his family about baby and stuff (i went mad!)

Just a little bit nervous about what will happen monday....

They will work out a rough date and let the scan confirm it. :)
i didnt know my dates either as i found out in Nov and had come off pill in sept. they did a blood test for hcg levels. which are so vague they tell you nothing (well just one doesnt anyway) then i had an early scan and i was only 5 weeks. push for an early scan if poss x
Ahh iv heard about the blood hcg level test things, id rather not rely on that tbh!! You think they'd give me an early scan if i told them about my pains in the left side of my belly? Not strong pains, jus nigglin pains. If so, when would they arrange it?
Thanks for the replies :)
They dont like to do early scans because a. you cant see much until 8 weeks ie a HB isnt forced to show up till then and b. the NHS doesnt have the resources to early scan everyone as much as we'd all love the reassurance. I had an early scan with my last baby and because I did I lost my 12 week scan. This time I paid for an early scan so I could have the reassurance but not lose the 12 wk scan :)
Well I was just thinkin they might cos iv no idea on dates and stuff..don't want them just guessing!!
I'm so worried about what will happen at this appt, what do I say to my dr first? X
They will HAVE to guess! They have to all the time! People go to them Not everyone is TTC and even when they are they dont always know their dates accurately.

When you get to the Dr say 'I'm pregnant' and they will do the rest....they do it a thousand times over.....
What's the deal with the HGC tests then? I'm thinkin there gunna do that. Just a small blood test? When would I get the results back?

So worried atm
They take blood and test it and you get the results a few days later. They will just say that they are normal and that's about it :)
When I went to the doctors I just blurted out that I just found out I was pregnant. He didn't react, just got out his round date-worker-outer-thingy and asked what the date was on the first day of my last period. I wasn't entirely sure so I just gave him an estimate and went from there. He said the scan would definitely date me, and to make an appointment with the midwife. That was it! Nowt to worry about :)
I agree, I had no idea on my dates because my periods were really messed up, anywhere between 40 and 50 days apart. All the doc would do for me is use her little wheel thing to work it out based on my last period and then book a scan for what would have been 12 weeks based on that. It turned out I was actually 9+2 when they thought I would be 12, but I knew that would be the case. I also wouldn't push for an early scan because it could replace the 12 week one and at 9+2 for me there wasn't all that much to see.

The HCG tests are generally done if they suspect a problem with the pregnancy, eg. ectopic or after bleeding to make sure your hormone levels are increasing. Even if they did this for you it wouldn't tell you how far along you are, because the range between women at the same stage can be huge, it would just say if your hormones were increasing okay, so you'd be no closer to knowing how far along you were.

Best thing to do is just tell them when you had your last bleed before coming off the pill (if you had one) and they'll just take that as your LMP date to work out how far you are, then at your scan you could be put back/forwards. Or pay for a private scan. xx
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I didn't have a clue when I was due and my 12 week scan they put me back to 10+2 :)

Thought I was never gonna leave first trimester
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Oooooh killer moving back 2 weeks.....I've only ever been moved forwards...........but I have baby elephants...
I didn't have a clue when I was due and my 12 week scan they put me back to 10+2 :)

Thought I was never gonna leave first trimester

It's rubbish being put back. I thought I would have been about a week ahead of what I actually was based on the fact we only had sex once the whole month, so was gutted to be put back a week. Or 3 weeks from LMP date although I knew that was off, but the doctors wouldn't listen to me :shakehead: xx
Hopefully you'll be right Katy and he'll come sooner than they think :)
ahhhh, im so worried.. i know it seem strange but i just want to know how far i am, i also wana see little one so i know its okay,

anybody else having no pregnancy syptoms apart from a posotive test, well iv had 3 pos tests :D
erm, no sore boobs, not really any morning sickness, just headaches and feel slightly moody. just hoping everything is okay!
symptoms come and go and every pregnancy is different. Try not to worry
it's not weird you sound like every other pregnant woman on the planet hun :)

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