Bit of a ramble :)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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Im feeling much better! Very relaxed, Very happy. Im just ready now :)
I had a lovely day, my contractions have really eased up, not totaly gone, but just enough to make me a little more comfortable. i know it will only be days and im waiting patiently. my midwife ap is in 3 days so really looking forward to that to see how much i have progressed (if any :roll: ) i had a little panic earlier about bubs, just wanting to hold her and make sure she is well and healthy still. not too sure why. Nesting like a crazy woman today and put DD to bed early OH is out at work and im layed in bed with a movie.. ahhhhh :D SOOOOO uncontrolably hungry today. i want to EAT EAT EAT! then CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN :rotfl: i think i may be going a little insane. as for sign wise, nothing yet, no show/plug, no waters breaking no nothing, just lovely backache and a VERY swollen sore belly :doh: while cleaning today i decided to make some "labourade" it consists of honey, fresh lemons, calcium magnesium tab, salt, water and a little OJ. It sounds disgusting but actually tastes quite yummy, like a really sweet lemoney lemsip :) Its meant to keep you hydated throughout labour so i thought id give it a go and made four bottles that are sat in the freezer so they are icey and cold when im all hot and flustered :) ...Anyway im going to stop rambling now and try and get a little nookie from OH when he gets home :wink: sweet dreams ladies xxx

I was just thinking... maybe this is the calm before the storm? all this happyness may make something happen ?? :)
aww glad to hear ur feeling better!
:( on the sore tum, theres nothing worse then being uncomfy espesh when ur all big and cant rollover i hate it, feel like im about 80!!!
hope u start to feel better today!
ooh MW in 3 days hopefully u get there and she says omg ur fully dilated PUSSHHH haha wishful thinking right??
hood luck with everything keep your chin up! easier said then done i know lol
:hug: bless you, thanks for the reply hun.
i was up many times lastnight with VERY painfull contractions i had to breathe through and pain radiating down my legs and bum... i wonder why they are not regular that has to be something right??? :wall:
Sorry doll face but I dont like the sound of your 'labourade' :shakehead:

:rotfl: :rotfl: neither did i but its actually quite scrummy :D
Aw bless! Love the labourade idea. My mum fed me little bits of Kendal Mint cake through my labour with Elliott- it's kind of a pure sugar bar with mint and climbers/walkers use it for energy. I though it helped!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Aw thats fab, my mum fed me potato salad and sausages. i really enjoyed a pack of quavers half way through i remember it being the tatiest pack i had ever eaten, thats one thing i really miss from England :( Lol. im just sat here drinking a STRONG cup of RL tea in hope of something, anything!! :lol:
Hope ur feeling better! i thought the labourade sounded quite yum lol! think ill stick to pepsi tho lol!
surely these pains must mean something even if its just ur body preparing for labour?? will soon find out when u c middy! mmm quavers lol!! x
i've got a few bottle of lucozade sitting waiting for my labour, along with the lucozade tablets. OH said they are really good for an energy boost.

But must say the labourade does sound yummie actually.

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