Bit of a problem...what would you do?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Evening ladies, i rang my docs over a week ago now to book in with the midwife and havent heard yet. Now i have been getting pains and twinges, which i wasnt too worried about but today at work someone has an infectious disease and she said that its ok for adults but can be harmful to unborn babies (but unlikely) it can cause miscarriage or growth probs she said. :shock: Now she has no idea i am pregnant and i really dont want to tell work yet. Im not in constant contact with her but do you think i should see a midwife or wait? (Im 6 weeks).

Hi Katie

Do you know what this infection disease is, you've said that it's infectious and it's harmful to unborn babies but you havent actually stated what it is which doesnt really help anybody in helping answer your question! I know chicken pox can be harmful for unborns even if mum has had it in her childhood but not sure what else is to be honest. If you can give us a bit more detail then that would be helpful but if you feel you can't give that informati then yes I would advice a trip to a doctor at least and discuss it with him/her.
Usually you don't see a MW till 8 weeks.

As bowmanzoo said, its hard to answer unless we can know what the illness is.

If you are really worried I'd give your GP a call and chat over the phone or go see him/her.
Yes you need to find out what this infectious disease is. It could be shingles or something similar.
:hug: sometimes takes a few weeks for a referral to the midwife. If you have told work then they need to let you know if someone has something infectious like that I think they should suspend you on full pay until the risk is gone
Oh sorry ladies, i thought that just that it could be harmful to pregnant women would have been enough info. Its the human foot and mouth and ive looked on the net and it says it is but very rare. :think: .

Babyliciuos-i havent told them yet and didnt want to but theres no way they'd let me off full pay..i can hope though. :D Thanks for your replies.x
katie05 said:
Oh sorry ladies, i thought that just that it could be harmful to pregnant women would have been enough info. Its the human foot and mouth and ive looked on the net and it says it is but very rare. :think: .

Babyliciuos-i havent told them yet and didnt want to but theres no way they'd let me off full pay..i can hope though. :D Thanks for your replies.x

Hmm well if they can't ensure your safety at work then they have to put you off on full pay. But they can only do that if they are aware you are pregnant.

And as for human foot and mouth, I'd be inclined to talk to your own GP asap and see what he/she says so you are informed correctly and can have your GP's backing should you need to be sent home from work. Its all well and good reading up on it, but you need to take some action in person just in case.

Until then, to be on the safe side avoid this person. I really don't know much about FMD in humans. I've spent a lot of time working on a farm with animals and read no end of paperwork on the animal form and lived and worked with it on our doorstep when we had the big outbreak a few years back.
Thanks for that sherlock, the person is in another part of the building and i finish in 3 days for 2 weeks. I will ring my midwife tomorrow though.x

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