

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2006
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Hi all.
My baby has a birthmark just above her eyebrow, it appeared when she was about 2 or 3 weeks old as a little red mark and then a lump started to appear a couple of weeks later and just keeps growing it kinda looks like I've been beating her up or something coz its a bit purple, and I'm sure that's what people think when they see her.
I asked the doctor about it and he said it's a strawberry something (I forgot the second word) and it will get bigger and then eventually disapear I said "how eventually?" and he said by the time she's 7!!!
It doesnt bother her obviously as she's so young but I'm worried about it affecting her eye and mostly about it still being there when she goes to school.
Does anyone else's baby have something similar? Basicly I want to go sooner rather than later.
Dan's got one on his stomach. (he's also got stork marks on his forehead/eyes/neck but they are different)
It appeared a few weeks after birth and got slowly bigger. But because of where it is I'm not that bothered as I was told it would go by the time he was 7 too (funny age eh!) and no one can see it.
If you're worried about it effecting her sight, I would go back and ask if there is anything they can do?? It doesn't hurt too ask
My sister had the exact same marks, one above her eye (only a small one though) and one on the back of her neck, they went by the time she was 3/4 :hug:
a friend of mines little girl was born with a birthmark and she was told would go by 5yrs , she is 2.5 now and it has gone apart from shows when she cries.
they did say somthing about lazor treatment if not.....
Keryn was born with one of them strawberry birthmarks on her arm

it actually is the shape of a strawberry lol(kinda)
3 months

10 months its kinda faded already

On her birthday can hardly see it

luv lou n keryn xxx
Thankyou for your replys it's reassuring to know it might dissapear sooner than 7yrs old. thanks again XX

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